
Oh Christmas Troy! (et al.)
Yes, Virginia, decorating a former high school quarteraback as a Christmas tree is indeed fun. Also, it's been noted, but Holy Fuck Anthony Michael Hall has changed in the last 25 years! I watched the Dead Zone, but it still takes me aback to see him now all non-John-Hughesified (RIP,

Sixth, shmixth… That was damned funny!
I haven't laughed out loud that hard at anything, ANYTHING, this year as I did at Greg enthusiastically sharing his love for dressing up in an incredibly realistic-looking bear costume. I had to rewind the DVR and watch it again as tears welled in my eyes. And it was great when

Viva Luis Guzman!
That reference, along with hideous statue that I too want in my home, is so obscure it was magical. I was a little let down when he never showed. It was like some snarky sitcom version of "Waiting for Godot." (Yeah, I'm pretentious. So what?)

Firing on all cylinders
I have been psyched for this show since the pilot, maybe even with the press and promos before. One of the things that amazes me is how much comedy the show's able to cram into such a short amount of time. Before the first commercial break, this episode had more going on than most sitcoms

Tiny Town: Yes We Can!
I became instantly hooked on this show. It was definitely my favorite new show this season. As someone who still has a grudge against FOX for canceling Andy Richter Controls the Universe (yet still tried to keep that God awful Pamela Anderson show around), I was definitely pumped for this

What was not to like about the episode?
I loved the whole thing! The Soul of the Week actually gave me a bit of a start when the tongue came out. Somehow, they mined tension out of a game of quarters. Andi actually doing something was, at long last, most welcome. There was more tension with Nina possibly being sent

Precociousness, thy name is Benji and Nina
Reaper is kinda like the Cheez-Its of goofy sitcoms. How do they pack all that goodness into 44 minutes and change? The tension was handled well. Even though the Sock/Maggie subplot was a drag, the "research" for the perfect babe montage was a hoot. I've really come around on

Not so much…
After weeks of speculation, we have to jump through another hoop. I know things might fall to pieces when the mother's identity is revealed, but come on! At the very least, give Ted something to chase obsessively like the Slutty Pumpkin.

It's true we ARE the pizza.
Despite how pee-in-the-pants funny the episode was, it almost felt like it stepped outside the show's continuity a bit, kind of like the Christmas episode. It served as a little something for the fans. At the beginning of next season, I expect Liz's book deal to fall through, Jack's dad to

I wish I had standy-uppy hair
Sock has really come around since the debacle with his step-sister earlier in the season. Every time he was on screen as Wrenchy Bench filled me with such joy. It was priceless to see the amount of glee he took in donning the suit.

The fabled "Mother" needs to be revealed
As a guy who has been shoveling dirt on my romanticism for a while now (Cynical Ted? Youse and me got some hangin' to do!), the amount that I squeak with joy at the romantic moments in this show makes me grateful that there's no one around to see me as I watch. I quickly came

All around good stuff!
Welcome back, MIB! I could listen to that formerly damned bastard belt out the hits all night. But you missed the best two lines of the night from coming-into-his-own Benji: "That's my jam!" (without a trace of irony), and "You're just a demon assassin!" (spoken like a kid meeting Santa Claus).

Simon Cowell is our Khruschev
I couldn't believe that Liz and Grizz had a fling. Their couple mash-up name would suck. GrLizz? I don't think so. Besides, I would have thought she would have gone for Dot Com. Look at Grizz's lack of business acumen by not diversifying Tracy's portfolio away from

Yay Chuck!
The whole episode kicked ass, took names, then got addresses for possible future ass-kickings. Intrigue! Romance! Casey and his team parachuting in through a skylight! I didn't think they had anywhere to go from last episode, but I was so wrong. The ending, while certainly a nerd dream, does sort of

Oy Vey!
Ditto to the disappointment with the lineup. It all was so tedious. The Simpsons keep pumping out retreads with nothing new to offer. Homer over-parenting and screwing it up? THAT'S never happened before. I too see potential with SDSU, but until the characters start moving past their caricatures, the

Oh yeah, I forgot. Casey should DEFINITELY start carrying around a radiator as part of his combat gear.

I agree: Awesome
This episode was definitely firing on all cylinders. The good guys were made to be even more loveable, Villains, more villainy-er. I hated Captain Awesome at the beginning of the series, which I guess was the point, but just as he does on everyone, he grew on me. I too pleaded with him to be

This episode didn't really move much along, it just seemed to set things up for the rest of the season: The Sam/Morgan/Devil situation, The Sam/Andi overcoming… whatever the hell is going on there, The ultimate consequence of The Ender, Sam getting a bead on Alan so he can try and find a way out of his

I agree about the "devil powers" thing. It seemed to figure pretty large in the first few episodes, then it was just dropped. It's almost as if the writers were watching the first season DVD box set and said, "Oh, right! We need to bring that back!"

This episode could have used Kevin Bacon
I liked Soul-of-the-Week this time around. It gave the whole thing a very 80's Tremors/Critters/Ghoulies kinda vibe that took me back to my youth raised on crappy movies. As for the other subplots, Feh! Sad to say, I identify with Ben's clinginess more than I care to admit,