
I wonder if this new programming means my PBS station will stop showing "Are You Being Served" reruns constantly.

Tell me more.

Don't forget to bring a towel.

Batman's a scientist.

When's Sherlock coming back?

Yep. Bit him, too.

Funny. Usually the blood gets off at the second floor.

Yodelin' Zeke

Wait, a woman directed American Psycho? But…but… the misogyny.

Probably, but it is a little jarring 30 years later. Great song, and I love the beat.

Finns to the left, Finns to the right, and your the only pun in town.

I was disappointed by Pym as well, though I did manage to finish it.

And let's make the name All-new X-Factor so you won't be able to find it in the right place!

Google that Demi Moore photo from the 80s and tell us.

Fawn Hall puts Iran-Contra files into the chipper. "Accidentally"

Pfft. Joan Quigly was Nancy's assassin. She was just on the books as an "astrologer" to avoid suspicion.

I case can probably be made that reducing the tax rate from the high 70% downward was a good short term boost to the economy. The idea that lowering taxes is the solution to all financial problems, of course, is stupid.

All he did was free some lousy slaves. Reagan freed the economy from welfare queens and parlor pinks.

I won't be coming home tonight/
My generation will set it right.
We're not just making promises/
We know we'll never keep.
-member of a generation that totally fixed everything

The subject of George Will's slash fiction.