
In the United States, regulations require cider to be pasteurized, which has changed a lot of the flavor, at least to my palette. So that might cause some confusion.

I saw a bit of an uptick in quality around seasons 13-14, but season 15 is when things start to get dire.

I'm kind of a broken record on this topic, but I think you'll find that the majority of good (or at least fair) episodes the last couple seasons have been produced by Matt Selman. The Book Job, the Day the World Stood Cool, the fracking episode, A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again, the foodie episode,

Superintendent Chalmers getting his groove on: Well, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Moe's take on Alice in Wonderland: "Eat me, drink me, smoking caterpillars, rabbits? It's like the Playboy mansion!"

The Gromble's frequent reappearances throughout the year were funny. Pretty much everything Gil related was a chore to sit through.

The one where Marge and the kids become foodies is nice, too. And I though the Wreck of the Relationship this season was really good.

Homer's comments about having "before you were born fun" on a beach where "they really hid the poverty nicely" always makes me laugh.

What's truly amazing is that he was born in the Bronx. His entire persona was an affectation.

And in Canada, the whole thing's flip-flopped!

It's all been a pack of lies!


And Jerry Lewis, for some reason known only to God.

I always knew the Quebecois had a soft spot for Fascism.

Plus Homer saying "our Beatles are better than your Rolling Stones."

The Garbage Man can, and he does it with a smile and never judges you!

I have, barring a short hiatus in seasons 4-5. Mom banned us from watching, but we saw a lot of episodes surreptitiously.

I want to say that Leon Kompowsky, or someone who looks a lot like him, appears in the background at a Grammy party in the Be Sharps episode, but I'd have to rewatch it to be sure.

He should be about 33-34 if he was born about the time Empire Strikes Back came out. And he was a toddler during the '84 Olympiad.

The agoraphobic character is also from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.