
That Fireys sequence is God damn terrifying. I was shivering, and I was watching when I was 31.

If you haven't seen the delightful stop-motion Paddington show, you simply must.

Bananaman shorts ran on Nickelodeon's Total Panic show in the early 90s.

I'd say you need to watch more Conan, but Ted hasn't appeared for a while now.

He retired to spend more time with his buffalo/life partner Teddy, Jr.

Seriously, how did Landis ever work again after that?

If ghosts do exist, they are not a great endorsement for the afterlife. Rather than discussing art with Shakespeare and Picasso, or asking God about how the universe was made, they decide to hang out in condemned buildings and appear in crappy found footage movies?

Ew, there's ectoplasm everywhere. Even in the opening for the batteries for the smoke detector.

I'd say it was nice to have a bi-racial, Asian actor as the lead of a show if it wasn't so awful.

I must say Primary Colors is a really good film that has kind of been forgotten. Excellent performances, and it really makes you think about the political process. Travolta's character is almost completely amoral, yet he has such potential to do great good if only he could control his appetites. Emma Thompson is great

He didn't direct that, so I think we can.

Written by the otherwise reliable Buck Henry.

I hate it when our samurai and potato chips fight.

MASH always struck me as too much off a mess to be a great film. The football game in the middle is just baffling. Don't they know there's a war on?

What is really impressive is how the movie makes you sympathize with some truly awful people. Gust helped keep an oppressive military junta in power in Greece and rigged elections. That is not a good thing.

Let the river run…

She has one incredible sequence, the resonance of which you don't fully understand until the end of the film. That is probably frustratingly vague, but I don't want to spoil it.

If he's really from Peru, Paddington should properly be a spectacled bear. That is, he should be black with a white face. Once again, Hollywood shafts the black bear population.

And if you're in jail, BREAK OUT!!!

Philip Seymour Hoffman's performance as Gust begs to differ.