

Homer used to write fortune cookies, sitting next to Woody Allen, who said "Wow, he's like a young me!"

If you're looking for something that touches on both Cthulu mythos and Thomas Kinkade, read the novel Pym by Mat Johnson.

See, I really enjoyed that episode. No love for "Blood for cream!"?

The Tick pouts like a guy from Chile.

You're thinking of bears, Alcopheliac.

Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume
Breathes a life of gathering gloom;
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,
Sealed in the stone cold tomb.

Seriously, though, Grover is definitely Jewish now
And Cookie busted out some pretty good Yiddish during a Fiddler on the Roof parody on Monsterpiece Theatre.

Bah, it's American Maid or nothing with me.

I think they specified for the first one: Cindy Crawford didn't care for her homage Mindy Mawford in the Mole People episode. Or at least that was my understanding.

If this is anyone other than Steve Allan, you're stealing my bit.

After Parks and Rec concludes, the only thing Nick Offerman should star in is a TV series or film entitled Theodore Roosevelt, Kick-Ass President.

Well, I think they're both Jewish.

He was one of the first people to get gastric bypass surgery. If I'm remembering right, he actually filmed it and showed highlights on the Today Show.

Use Polaroids and a Fax machine.

You can get the MP3 at Amazon.com for just .69! Right now!

Billy Elliot dances on her grave.

Don't forget the second dream episode, with the Muppets. I think that was the final time Richard Hunt performed Stattler, or any other character, before his untimely death.

That was Chazz Michael Michaels. Completely different.

No children have taken on the Republican Party and lived.