
Fair enough.

He laid a wreath at the tomb of SS soldiers, in spite of near universal outcry from the nation's Jewish community. These are facts.

"After the war, the United States immediately recognized as valid the
property rights of Mexicans who were now part of U.S. territory. The
change was not in any individual’s land ownership but in the fact that
people who were once Mexicans now became Americans. . . . While
progressives deplore American aggression . .

Excellent avatar/comment symmetry, given the Gipper's fondness for Nazis.

There were inklings of the change as early as the 1910s, as many African-Americans in urban centers became disenchanted with the Republican Party (which had largely abandoned its staunch defense of black rights in the 1890s) and began voting Democratic. W.E.B. duBois supported Woodrow Wilson in 1916 (a decision he

I'm not sure if hobo stabbing is an activity that either party really gets behind (publicly).

But we'd also have to spell color with a "U". What kind of nightmare world would that be.

Based on what little I know of Portuguese history, I would think he would be even more opposed to colonialism. Britain could be racist, insanely violent, and barbaric in its colonialism, but they at least knew how to build a proper infrastructure and defense system. Everything Portugal ever touched (Angola,

That song is a national treasure! And who doesn't love the Tin Man, other than his fiance?

I, for one, will shun Mr. D'Souza tomfoolery and instead get my political opinions from that nice anvil salesman.

Was Jennifer Jason Leigh ever nominated for anything?

Walken was indeed nominated, but he lost to Chris Cooper in Adaptation.

Now, if Ben Franklin had died of crotch rot before convincing France to come and support the Revolution, that's a different story. Not to disparage the patriots, but without French money, advisers, arms, soldiers, and the French Navy distracting the British Navy in Europe, the war might have gone very differently.

This attitude has always perplexed me. Why would someone who deeply hates this nation aspire to become president? Why would they make the effort, give up their private life, spend so much time and treasure, endure the bright scrutiny of critics and the media? What could possibly be the end game there?

I quite enjoyed Eat the Rich, All the Troubles of the World, and Give War a Chance. Parliament of Whores was also pretty good. I quite enjoy his foreign reporting. I think part of his problem is that he is a Nixon/Bush I style Republican; one who hates inefficiency, communism, and hippies, but is reasonable on most

Oh, where abouts? I'm in Chester, myself.

Thank God Britain discovered the world's funniest joke first.

P.J. O'rourke's Okay in small doses.

Forgive my ignorance, but my recollection is that the idea and tradition of a president withdrawing after two terms of office originated with Washington and not his advisers. If that precedent had not been set with our original president, I can see history being slightly different. Imagine what Thomas Jefferson might

For those who don't know, Jodie Foster was raped in The Accused.