
Show us your payot or GTFO.

You can't win.

Otherway round, given how much Yum! spent promoting/tying into the Phantom Menace.

Why have hamburger when you can have steak?

Seriously, Kenner. Give the guy a freaking name. Hammerhead and Walrus Man are the laziest damn names. I'm sure no one on Tatooine has ever even seen a walrus!

Plus buy a commemorative Bobba Fett drinking glass!

The movie's over budget as it is. Installing freedom adds another $100,000 minimum.

No Hecubus, no checkubus.

I will admit that part made me laugh out loud.

Simpsons takes place in Springfield, Vermont, carnsarn it! I was there. Trust me, the town's a real shit hole. It is even close to a ridiculously dangerous and constantly-leaking nuclear power plant!

Mike Reiss hides behind unsold stacks of Queer Duck and My Life in Ruins dvds, laughing hysterically.

You can prove anything with statistics, Kent. Forfty (sic) percent of people know that.

Ugly John?

If that involves putting Dave's mind in the sexy body of a female ninja, then I approve.

America needs the wisdom of Herman's Head now more than ever.

I always assumed, as Chris Isaac said, that selling out was the main reason anyone got involved in the arts in the first place.

Also, he's the Indian.

Is that more or less creepy than being in love with her horse?

Some people need affirmation. We're needy, dammit!

Actually, Brian K. Vaughn established that Mystique doesn't "wear" a uniform. Her clothing is actually a part of her that she can morph at will. Or as she put it: "I'm always naked."