
I truly don't understand why anyone (in the commentariat) cares. Do what works for you, AVC.

I truly don't understand why anyone (in the commentariat) cares. Do what works for you, AVC.

I truly don't understand why anyone (in the commentariat) cares. Do what works for you, AVC.

"Angie" is consistently hilarious. Here's to many more seasons.

So Lauryn is from North Jersey and Nas is from NYC, yet they're not playing either one. That makes sense.

Last time they pulled this, it essentially killed "Pushing Daisies", one of the greatest TV shows ever made. So yeah, let's see what they can screw up this time for little gain.


Since you're obviously far too fucking stupid to get even a basic point, I'll fill you in: It was that you make idiotic assumptions about people based on the one thing you know about them.

"Bastion" has the best original soundtrack in game history. The end.

::Sigh:: What an obvious comment to be made by someone I can only assume to be a hipster who jerked off twice when one of his reposted GIFs wound up in Stereogum's top ten comments of the week.

Jill Sobule, "The Secretive Life"

Wild Flag, "Romance"

This is a brilliant article. Well-played, Sam Barsanti. And (figuratively) fuck Roman Polanski.

This is my favorite cover so far this season, and I'm not being sarcastic. Great job, Onionites.

Nobody will ever see this comment, because it's a few days later, and nobody would care about my choice anyway, but:
Ida Maria- "Oh My God"

She's just trying to impress Mystik Spiral.

Captain Murphy: "As long as the baby doesn't touch my 'stache."
Debbie: "Your what?"
[Far-too-long pause]
Captain Murphy: "Heh heh, mustache!"

Holy shit, I never realized that Todd's initials are "TV". Not once until right now. Goddamn.

You know what? I usually love your writing and your TV recaps, but this is bullshit, Todd. This has nothing to do with Joni, and your headline is garbage. I don't even care if I'm missing out on something amazing- I'm not going to listen, simply out of spite.