You know I can't stay mad at you
Come here 'n gimme a hug!
You know I can't stay mad at you
Come here 'n gimme a hug!
(sigh) miss Brandmeier. Does the Loop even have a morning show anymore?
I was always under the impression that the $500 million figure included a bunch of stock options or ownership or something which, as you point out, may be pretty valueless in 5 years.
Are there still any non-gimmick posters on AV club?
Nice to see High Violet getting so much press. It was sort of a grower for me, maybe because it had a similar sound as Alligator. Anyway, I didn't realize how much I liked that album until I checked iTunes and it said I'd listened to it 40 fucking times in the last four weeks. So I guess I'm a fan now.
Roger Ebert said Bring it On was the Citizen Kane of cheerleading movies. I've used her performance in that movie lots of times.
billyverona- I'm pretty sure there's a term for taking a verb (converse) which has an appropriate noun form (conversation) and creating a new, stupid, incorrect verb (conversate). As in orient/orientation/orientate, which I hear all the time and will eventually make me go batshit insane and kill someone/everyone. I…
Landfill #2, you are twice the man Landfill #1 was!