The Hammer is My Penis

Naw, Desktop Dungeons is far better.

Heavy Rain has some incredibly compelling sequences, and it's far more dynamic than many classic adventure games. That said, this is a story based-game, with large amounts of dialog, and one that presents two problems.

Arbitrar, just want to agree and add that I always like reading your posts.

They may have a monopoly, but do you really think they're going to produce a movie that calls their product evil? No freakin' way, J. Compy.

The only way they could actually make this interesting is if it turns out the Madden games actually ARE evil and are sucking the souls out of the players. Of course, with EA producing the movie, I somewhat doubt they're going to demonize one of their biggest cash cows.

I can't wait for the scene
where everybody but the main character is playing Madden together, laughing and having a good time. Then our Mr. Hero walks in, everyone turns awkwardly towards him, and he sadly walks off.

Agreed. Peggle is the crack of Popcap's cocain mountain.

IFeast, I'mma ignore your sarcasm and go play some Pac-Man. Shit's awesome! Also, I just don't like RTS games or grinding, and nearly all of Blizzard's games are either RTSes or grind-heavy.

Nope! If you play enough, the game assigns you a higher number. It means nothing and does nothing.

You know? I've honestly never loved a game Blizzard has made. To be fair, I only played this when it came out, but god dammit did it bore me after the first 20 levels. I've always respected their incredible designs, and I recognize that they are very polished games, but I don't enjoy actually playing any of them.

The Online Omission
I have played this game an embarrassing amount already, but the omission of leaderboards is glaring. We know Pop-Cap can do pretty awesome competitive leaderboards thanks to Blitz, and the decision to not implement it in this game is frankly baffling. Other than idle play, there isn't much of a


There has to be a way we can flag the staff to ban this guy, right?

Everything in this thread is terrible.

tarzanell, I know it was just a typo, but I would LOVE it if more games had an option for "better pacing."

*prays that ZMF takes the bait*

Wasn't Breaking Bad not eligible because of the time it airs during? I think it was something stupid like that.

Oh! And if you can't find the time to actually play it yourself, the Giant Bomb Endurance run is almost as fun as playing the game, with the bonus of getting to listen to two witty dudes have a blast while playing it. It starts here, for the curious: http://www.giantbomb.com/en…

Yes, Super Crate Box is a high-score junkie's nightmare/wet dream.

The first SMT game I flat-out loved was Persona 4, and it has since become my favorite PS2 game overall, so I'd recommend that one. If you've been playing RPGs for a long time, the difficulty shouldn't be an issue (in fact, the high level of strategy the game requires is part of what makes it so good). But,