The Hammer is My Penis

The best players (which… well, includes me) know how to line up ghosts so you can eat them while still advancing through the level. However, anybody can go to the leaderboards and watch a replay of the top-scoring games, which means you can pick up on the paths that lead to the most points. You need to learn the game

Rowan, I get that these games can be comforting, but I've been playing them since I was five, and unless the characters are engaging or the combat has a unique twist (I would argue P3 and P4 have both in spades), they don't do much for me anymore. If Digital Devil Saga really has the characters to back up that awesome

Your hateful, spoiled 7-year old knows damn well that if he yells and screams enough, mommy will take the game back.

I could never get that into Strange Journey. I know this is silly, but it's hard for me to get involved in first person RPGs, or RPGs with only one "real" character where you build the rest of your party. I like to see my dudes hittin' other dudes, and I like my dudes to have personalities.

DX high scores are reached by playing exceptionally well on ALL levels. Each challenge is individually ranked, and all of them combine to get your overall score.

I'll pardon your dick, if you pardon mine.

Yeah, I'm pretty baffled as to what that ad had to do with any Apple product. Because… the glasses will let you live inside movies? Is that what's happening?

Obligatory comment that I too thought the movie was simple, stupid, and not particularly compelling.

I had forgotten it, until you reminded me, you fucking bastard.

HOLY SHIT. GeoX and I must have both watched this show today, even though this is several months after the airing.

Rob Schneider is… a STAPLER!

Apparently the line "Ninjas. Damn." never actually happens during the movie.


It's a SPOILERS IN THIS THREAD HOE because Connor being played by a grown-ass man, and not a baby, is a god-damned spoiler.

Telltale's games have actually been staying away from traditional point-and-click controls, even on the PC. Sam and Max S3 was great on PS3, and I bet this will be too.

MAJOR SPOILER ABOVE for people who haven't seen Angel.

Penguin? This is your cue.

Haters gonna hate. Fanboys gonna fap.