
i am pretty sure they weren't omnivores. i couldn't believe they weren't called out on that.

I agree. I am fascinated with Angelo, although I do think he toes the line of dangerously crazy and fun crazy. Every episode he shows us a new, strange, and unexpected side of himself, and I welcome them completely. The 'key stroke/Thank you, Jesus' mutter scene was unsettlingly dark and awesome, and totally not your

eric ripert
wasn't he supposed to be a regular judge this season? i don't think he's been on since the first couple episodes.

So what happened when Juliet detonated Jughead? The central characters were sent back to the present and nothing more?

Thanks for all the suggestions. Excited to read some of these titles.

good place to start
never read anything by grant morrison. best read to start with?

The Candidates
I'd still like to know why this group is special. Jacob has been bringing people to the island for quite a long time, possibly millennia, so why now bring in this specific group and what makes this group better? Did he correctly guess when Smoke Monster would find this loophole?

Sayid's Redemption
If the realities of Sayid's alternate universe were due to promises kept by Not-Locke in exchange for his on-island loyalty, I expect things will either get a lot better or a lot worse for Sayid in the other timeline now that he has betrayed Not-Locke by sacrificing himself to save his friends. I

M.I.A. is stupid
I like her music just fine but I cannot take her seriously after she made a complete ass of herself on Bill Maher's show. The video is long and boring and makes a nonsensical point, if there even is a point. I have enjoyed all of the new ginger jokes, so if that was the point, thank you.

Not-Christian and Not-Locke
When Not-Locke first explained to Jack that he had taken his father's form in an effort to lead them to water I at first thought it was just a lame and lazy way of explaining earlier events they now had no other answer for, but I wonder if it has something to do with Eloise Hawking's plan

Locke's dying words
"i don't understand." i think Locke glimpsed his alternate reality as Ben strangled him in LA before Jughead was even detonated (since the alternate reality is 3 years behind, that reality must be going on even though the incident hasn't taken place yet-or something like that), as did Juliet right

i ate and enjoyed the shrimp taco i had at taco bell. although relative to the price of the other menu items i usually enjoy, they're too expensive to justify ordering again, unless, of course, it is a special occasion.

what did that replace?

If we're airing grievances than I'd like to say that this season feels off and very un-Lost to me. In the past 5 seasons there was always this group/family mentality/dynamic. Among the Oceanic survivors, the Others, and the Dhamra Initiative. Each group had an agenda, mostly ill-definied and ambiguous, but

alternate reality Jack
This Jack seems more aware of - and if not more aware, then definitely more suspicious of - the small, odd details in his life (the bullet scar on his neck and the scar from his appendectomy) that allude to the existence of an alternate reality than do the other alterna-characters. Does this

Girl Talk
Great feature. Looking forward to future installments. I enjoy Girl Talk albums for many of the same nostalgic reasons.

Does everyone think Locke was lying to Boone about completing his Walkabout? When he said that I initially thought that he wasn't going to be paralyzed in this parallel reality.

did anyone else find marisa tomei's spot to be the most terrible and annoying?

fine ashton kutcher!
i have a pledge too. now leave me alone.

baltar's cylon test
did baltar ever get his test up and going? i know at one point it worked, but didn't he test everyone with the bogus test? so my point, if i am remembering this right, is that everyone aboard galatica (i.e. the entire human race) could have tested positive as a cylon so therefore everyone is the