
I agree that Pete and Betty are very similar. They both seem to fit into the powerless housewife type of role.

Last night proved to me that it should've been Paul in the finale instead of Aaron. Aaron hasn't brought it for weeks. Fik shun is only very good in his genre but at least he was trying tonight. I feel kind of guilty in saying it should've been Tucker and Paul in the finale tonight, but that would've been much more

…Pretty sure that's racist.

How could I forget to mention Jakob? I was SO glad to see him. One of the best dancers of SYTYCD history and I love love loved that Broadway. I felt Mackenzie was sort of lacking there in comparison. She gave off more great aesthetic than dancing.

I don't think she's versatile at all and I don't think she pulled off that style last night. She's only brilliant in normal contemporary dances, and lackluster in everything else in my opinion.

Tonight was a great night, but it was a struggle, too. I really loved Tucker and Robert's routine. I just felt so much for the two dancers and the struggle they were going through. Mackenzie and Jenna were going through something as the bottom two.

I agree with this so much that I'm tearing up. Just because you and a bunch of people happen to like something, doesn't make it artistic brilliance. And it doesn't have to be. You can still like it even though it isn't perfect.

You're right, that was great choreography. But there was also that Teeth number last year…I think he should stick to group choreo.

Amy and Fik-shun stole the night for me. That was some great choreo and I thought they both pulled it off extremely well. Loved that. They have great chemistry. I personally loved Jenna and Tucker's number too, but it's rare that I ever hate Broadway. Yes, even by "Tasty Oreo". Tucker really got into his role, and I

I feel like Jenna has a ton of potential. Not only did she steal that ballroom number despite it's poor choreography, but she does well at other styles, too. In Vegas week she seemed to fit in with the contemporary dancers. So I'm looking forward to seeing her. I feel the same way about Mariah. She stole that hip hop

No, I loved it before I even knew Rash wrote it.

Black Skinhead sounded great in the Wolf of Wall Street trailer.

I'm really glad he apologized about this. He is a big douche bag, but the very worst douche bags are the ones who won't apologize.  He'll probably try to tame down his comments about Community from now on. Mostly because he \doesn't like getting yelled at on Twitter/Tumblr, but nevertheless…I forgive him.

This episode reminds me of the song, Born To Die by Lana Del Rey. Except from a guy's perspective. Someone who has mommy/daddy issues, and tries to avoid them with drugs and sex. Like the girl in the song knows that she was born to die because she refuses to face her issues, Don eventually 'crashes' because of his

This was appreciated. I especially agree with you when it comes to Ginsberg—I liked him when he was a threat to Don's rein, not just the semi funny awkward guy. I definitely miss that. I was hoping they'd go there with this season, but from the looks of it, I'll have to wait for next year.

I feel like, if you really watch and you focus on her she had fantastic connection to the music of her choosing. Most contemporary dancers just follow the lyrics, but she choreographed herself very well. I too noticed that her actual dancing was a little choppy, but she (or whoever she had choreograph) made her look

I'm talking about the comment section also, not just the reviews. In this very comment section, there are people who haven't even watched the episode that are joking about giving it an F so that the community grade will be an F. That could prevent others who interested in the episode from watching it, when half the

Never did I ever say that just because they didn't agree with me, they're not being objective. I never said that any of those other websites were nonobjective, so I don't know why you're citing them. I just said the AV Club.

Honestly, you're right. The people on the AV Club are not willing to give this show a chance.

I thought her fond smile at her boyfriend was adorable and a sign that she was somewhat satisfied. But yeah, I wonder if she's fully satisfied. I'm sure they'll get to that as the season goes.