
Stanley Cup Playoffs, Game 1: (ESPN, 7 p.m.)?

Perhaps a little NSFW warning next time?

My girlfriend is worried for Bear, too, and thinks he's going to be the one to fall. She has repeatedly said that she will accept the death of any other character on the show, as long as it's not Bear.

I have an uncle who had a skydiving accident and broke his back. He made a complete recovery. Broken back does not equal paralyzed.

I have an uncle who had a skydiving accident and broke his back. He made a complete recovery. Broken back does not equal paralyzed.

I immediately recognized the neti pot when Chase picked it up and predicted that it was going to be the cause of this particular malady. That was the highlight of my Monday. Make of that what you will.

this is just ridiculous.

I'll be in my bunk…

Bag-els are so edible.

Those were some of the worst fucking commercials I've ever seen. I'm not sure what genius came up with that idea, but to me "Annoy the living fuck out of the potential audience" is not the best marketing strategy. And yet, someone got paid for this dreck. It's people like that who will be the first up against the wall

Farewell Doctor Lynn
Soon you will comment no more
Spambot, you shall die

What is it about Hiram?
"Like the extra food, menstruation attracts bears, she notes, to a bewildered and frustrated Hiram."

Don't believe all the hype… A Rusty Venture isn't what you think it is. What you want is an Action Johnny.

Rob McC - You gave me a good laugh with the whole binary-curious, homesexual thing. Kudos, sir.

How could 512 reasonable discussions occur without one mention of Nimrod Antal's name? Is that so unreasonable? I mean, his name is nimrod. Seriously people, sometimes I doubt your commitment to snark.

The Mayans never predicted a goddamn thing, they just got to the natural end of their calendar. It's everybody else who thought it fucking meant something. Oh, look! My calendar ends at December 31st, 2010! That must be the end of the world!


Stop trying to apply logic to fiction and just let your TV continue the gentle process of turning your brain to mush. Do not resist.

Every time that attractive young nurse seemed interested in Taub, I called bullshit. I'm not saying that it's not possible, I just didn't find it believable.

What would make it better is if Swoozie wore an eyepatch.