
In skimming down the comments, for a moment I thought Jorge Von Salsa had said the disease was PBR.

I despise the idiotic crap in these commercials that manages to imply that spending time with women is gay, while spending time with a bunch of sweaty men watching other sweaty men bend over in tight, tight pants is somehow not totally fucking homoerotic.

Why do they sound the same? Because there's no fuckin' actual dinosaurs or werewolves to film. Unless you've got someone like Frank Welker to actually *make* the noise, you've got to assemble it out of other animal noises.

Because you're an idiot with a molding Big Mac where your sense of humor is supposed to be.

All the militant vegans I know are total fucking assholes whom I go to great lengths to annoy.

I know how- Because it sucks.

Nay! Praise be to Panderious, Lord God of all Passive Media!

Ken Jeong's shifty look before he told Joel McNale his secret technique was fuckin' priceless.

I'd like to refute that by stating for the record that I've met quite a number of incredibly fuckin' hot feminists.

Most of the early critiques of quantum mechanics (I'm lookin' at you, EPR paradox) ended up backfiring and proving it in the end, so it doesn't really matter if it was meant as a critique. It's still a valid interpretation.

"A Study In Emerald" is awesome, but I'm rather fond of Gaiman's "Shoggoth's Old Peculiar", or his "I, Cthulu", which are both about as funny as Lovecraft gets.

Heh, Dunwich Borers, LLC.

I'm not sure, but I think the answer has "misogyny" in it somewhere.

There's a lot more demand for escorts than there is for actors.

Jesus Fucking Christ on a bicycle!

I think the funniest thing about Abed is that the character actually, legitimately has serious Asperger's, and they manage to make it friggin' hilarious without feeling exploitative.

I agree totally.