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    I'd give it a C+ at best
    Oh Please Give, I had such high hopes for you. Your trailer made you look like the answer to the genre of film know as "white people problems." I'm looking at you, The Family Stone, Margot at the Wedding, and Garden State. Even at you, Crash, with your impossibly high incidence of unlikely

    Miss Guided was seriously funny, and I definitely approve of comparing it to Community. I still recall this one line, where principal Chris Parnell is telling the camera how some scheme he's pulling is going well-

    When I first registered what Alec Baldwin was saying I laughed uproariously. It seemed like a mean-spirited jab at Leno, which I of course enjoyed because he is the worst ever and I am mean. But then when I realized that Leno was in on the joke, I felt betrayed. "Why can't we just be terrible monsters to each other?"

    The difference between this show and Arrested Development is that on MF, you get the sense that every single character is basically a decent human just trying to live their life. On AD, at least 50% of the main characters were horrible horrible selfish people, deep down. And that's the reason AD will always be funnier.

    Bah. Thanks. The "Play all 8" button still doesn't work though, and a big thumbs down to these 30 second clips. It'd be much better to be able to hear a whole song, even if it's just one.

    Can someone explain this Lala nonsense to me? I remember when you guys used to actually let us stream songs with one click from new albums, but what is this? I can't get it to play, even after I went to this ridiculous site and made an account.

    Thomas Friedman's "The World is Flat." Not recommended.

    What book?
    Can someone please remind me what book we're talking about?

    creepy culkin
    Alright people, can we just pretend for a few minutes that this isn't days away from oblivion and agonize over plot details like we would a proper show?

    my answer
    First job- photo developer / clerk at CVS Pharmacy. I once developed a picture of a guy who waxed the Playboy bunny logo onto his back. Ughhhh.

    I started with CTL as well, and now I'm in the middle of Infinite Jest (this was a very well timed article for me). Suggestions on what to do next?

    No it doesn't, I checked. Incidentally I'm in the middle of the book right now and it happened to be sitting next to me when I read your comment. So it's not like I would have gotten up to check that kind of thing. Probably.

    I was psyched to see this DFW piece, because I am currently about 400 pages into Infinite Jest as I write this. It's totally daunting, but reading about how much everyone loves it above is definitely giving me the encouragement I need to buckle down and get this thing read. Zack- wanna start a book club?

    Damn, thanks guys. I think it's safe to say that this thread can now be referenced as a preview of the kind of dreams I'll be having tonight.

    The Nuke
    Am I really the only person bothered by the fact that Jack spent half the episode carrying around a nuclear weapon in his backpack?! I got the part where they unscrewed the core or something and Jack was assured that it would still be enough, but no WAY would that thing be so stable, portable, and small. If

    Oh my god, I hadn't thought about the fertility stuff in SO long.

    i++- I am a female lostie, by the way. And I get your point. If it turns out next episode that she had a plan the whole time when she got in that sub it'll all make sense. If not, and she was just stupid and got caught and thrown in there, what the hell Kate?

    Mamma Mia
    For the heteros- In the real Mamma Mia, the Karen-from-Mean-Girls character somehow gets her mom's old diary and discovers that her mom slept with three dudes in rapid succession right about the time she was conceived. So she invites all three of them to her wedding (supposedly on the Mom's behalf) and

    Yummsh nails it again in his own follow up. Claire sucks. Also, as far as I can tell, this is the first mention of her on this message board. No crazy Claire theories? No one upset at how easily Kate gave up her mission to find Claire? Wasn't that why she went back in the first place? I'm no Kate hater, but I'm

    I'm so over the eyeliner jokes! Not just you, everyone. It was funny once, it's done being funny now.