
Why do all of the comedy tab reviews redirect back to music? Why even have a separate comedy tag if it's just going to redirect? Holla' at ya web dev avclub!

The trailer for Citizen Kane looks like shit. So by your standards that movie is shit.

The trailer for Citizen Kane looks like shit. So by your standards that movie is shit.

It's sad that the seattle times missed the boat and eviscerated the movie. Why do "famous" or well known critics have to be so god damned rude. Can't they just be original and have an opinion without resorting to name calling?

It's sad that the seattle times missed the boat and eviscerated the movie. Why do "famous" or well known critics have to be so god damned rude. Can't they just be original and have an opinion without resorting to name calling?

The guy who reviewed it was horrible.

The guy who reviewed it was horrible.

WAIT! Season four episode 5 is 'I remember you'…

WAIT! Season four episode 5 is 'I remember you'…

So, in the end… (stop reading if you haven't seen it). Does he say "I saw the cycle…" because he was the little boy? Or because he saw the cycle of destruction because he went through the same type of horrible life?  
If it's the former that means that the Joe we got to know was in one reality

So, in the end… (stop reading if you haven't seen it). Does he say "I saw the cycle…" because he was the little boy? Or because he saw the cycle of destruction because he went through the same type of horrible life?  
If it's the former that means that the Joe we got to know was in one reality

Ah, so the av club gives The Raid: Redemption a B+ but this a D- for storytelling. I see how it is. You are such a bias little group of hipster fucks.

Ah, so the av club gives The Raid: Redemption a B+ but this a D- for storytelling. I see how it is. You are such a bias little group of hipster fucks.