
Thanks for the reply, Josh. Unlucky for you I live in Chicago and I drink a lot, so I'll take you up on that.

The cover up is worse than the crime here. Why take that line out of your "Official Rules" if you didn't do anything wrong and the only problem was not being clear enough? Why not just wait to get rightly called out and then clarify your position? Whatever. I'm over it. No I'm not, but I'll stop complaining. Maybe.

Same here. I actually encouraged friends to enter with toasts I wrote and told them they had to take me if they won specifically for this reason.

This is complete crap and the AV Club owes its readers an explanation on why they changed the rules (without notifying others, thus putting those following the rules at a disadvantage) and selected someone who entered four times. That's a shitty thing to do to your readers, especially when you know how obsessed they

Yeah, I can certainly live with not winning, but it's
bullshit that someone who submitted four entries (that have since been deleted)
was selected and the rules page was altered. It does say on the rules page that
the "Sponsor reserves
the right to amend and alter these Official Rules without notice.", but
come on…that's a