X the Anonymous Man or Woman

It's always time to be anonymous.

Blitzkrieg, Cretin, Mmmm, or some other style?

So what you're saying is you found this weekends sacrifice to Zeus.

Sounds more like it was crashing.

Wait, you're a ghost, aren't they made of protoplasm and soul? Or am I thinking of Marvin Gaye?

I also want all her outfits.

What will impress people more, E. Nesbit or Cousin It from the Addams Family?

I have absolutely no idea why you said that. What I meant was I likes my women hairy alllllllllllllll over.

I also had my Sherlock enjoyment get cut down by Elementary. To me it comes down Elementary's character growth. Seeing the characters develop has been fantastic and sort of makes me see Sherlock as more style over substance.

Counter point: That is awful and makes me want to cry.

Wait, hold on… is "It" now a giant furry guy with a really weird family in a creepy house? Or was that the old "It" and now there's a new one.

I helped in the downvoting.

Makes sense with Woody Allen.

Is that a total amount of people dead world wide or all dead in on go. if the second option, does location come into play?

I'll back you up on the Gina negativity.

You're confusing Terry Jeffords with Captain Holt.

It's so depressing to me that it's the one case he can't solve.

This is only acceptable if Rosa breaks his spine.

Shouldn't that be Red Hill Zone?

I sort of have faint recollections of this but I haven't seen any of Buffy's season 6 since it first aired.