I Want To Be THE Queen

Even though in the books they mentioned *mild spoilers?* sewing Grey Wind's head on Robb's body, I secretly hoped they were just rumors and GW was off roaming the hills with Nymeria somehwere…

"Reek Reek it Rhymes with Geek" oh my god IT DOES

Considering how well Michelle Fairley does with silence (as Todd noted), I look forward to seeing her performance as a *SPOILERS* mute zombie.

Yeah, I felt bad for thinking she was a traitor after that…and I was so certain when she said she'd name their son Eddard.

I dunno, hearing something as modern and experimental as 4'33" kind of brought me out of the moment

There goes my theory that she was a honeypot…

Aldo Kelrast's Brain: My late wife was the plant enthusiast! In fact, you remind me a GREAT DEAL OF HER!

You would deem it ACCEPTABLE?????

I like telling people that I keep meaning to read Infinite Jest.  One day I might actually read it, but for right now, that's enough.

I find this comment…uncomfortably accurate.

I find your lack of faith…perturbing? No, how about, I find you lack of faith…encouraging? No, that's not it either…

1) Duh, she was on an episode of Glee.
2) Not really, her rendition of "Ohio" left much to be desired

I already ordered a pizza.

Will it make me feel like a massive underachiever because he's led a fulfilling life, or because I'm reading Viggo Mortensen's Wikipedia page?

Every time I see "Community news update" I'm terrified I'm about to read that Community's been cancelled.

Wow, Todd, I never knew you were in my Plato class! You really should speak up more.

Today I saw someone wearing a "The AV Club" shirt!  Was it you?

RIP.  I remember his last scene as Prop Joe so vividly.  He's just so quietly resigned—he's played the game, and he knows when he's been beaten.

@ColdGottoBe:disqus Yeah, the Ice King sort of freaks me out sometimes.  But "I Remember You" and "Holly Jolly Secrets" did a lot to turn some of my disgust into pity, so now whenever he's creepy I just get confused and sad.

Can someone help resolve a disagreement?  I think that the relationship between Carson and Hughes is strictly platonic and professional, but my friend thinks romance is in the air.  Who's right?