Unbought Stuffed Dogs

I actually saw them with Third Eye Blind and Eve6 like three years ago. It was free of course

yes every record store is gone and nobody likes this book or movie at all

All's Well That Endors Well

Mashups are literally never good

Look for the record with ME on the cover!

Look for the record with ME on the cover!

"I guess I met her at the Passion Pit / she said those kids she's with were Berklee grads / so I ignored their music / and she got pinned down at the Passion Pit."

"I guess I met her at the Passion Pit / she said those kids she's with were Berklee grads / so I ignored their music / and she got pinned down at the Passion Pit."

Here, have a chubby.

Here, have a chubby.

Now if only someone will explain why we should like Dawes…

I rewatch the original movie roughly yearly, and I'm convinced it's mostly almost watchable.

Unfortunately, no, but Rick Moranis is available

everyone knows the best breast man perk is "Phone call from a fireman"

tabloids hackin' in the dead OF NIIIIGHT

Or any of the nuns from Doctor Who season two episode two, "New Earth," who are all cat people. It just seems… safe.

thought this said "big box of weed," but beyond curiosity I'm not sure what states internet-based pot would induce anyway

The best TV is still npr