Jack the Ripper

A capital idea, Elegant Victorian Lady! I admire your keen mind almost as much as your commendable sense of propriety. I think I would greatly enjoy giving you my undivided attention—you could tell me all about this ghastly "Whitechapel Killer." I have a rented room on the other side of town to which we could

(Surreptitiously removes Liston knife from medical bag)

There you are, madam, awake again! I must say, you do have a nasty habit of losing consciousness at the most inconvenient moments. I must also say that you give me far too much credit. I… I do try to be a good man, a conscientious physician. But so often I fall short. Terribly short, one might say.

Oh! No, no, don't worry…. You're quite safe. I apologize for the smelling salts, I realize the smell is quite distasteful. That's one area where modern medicine has not yet been able to improve upon the wisdom of the ancients! Forgive me—I should have said straight away that I am a physician. When you fainted

Good heavens, madam, are you all right? No, no, don't be frightened, it's quite all right. I must say, though, that it gave me quite a start to come upon your seemingly-lifeless form, what with all the… unpleasantness. But please, don't mistake my meaning. Why, it's quite clear that you're the very model of an