Poop Trumpet

Why all the shit-slinging at JACKOFF? I like that dude's schtick. When has it ever been a pain in the ass? NEVER, That's when. He's a succinct gimmick poster; and he's in-and-out — sticks and moves like a nicely-landed jab. Fuck you fucking fuckers for lashing out against a perfectly innocent, dedicated and, in my

Has anyone mentioned Schechter's AMAZING book, "Depraved." Holmes' activities during the fair were only small samplings of the elaborate and undeniably evil-genius-style shit he pulled with insurance scams and his surgically-cruel manipulation of the Pitezel family. The dude was a master swindler, supreme psychopath

I don't know . . .
. . . "Trash Humpers" is listed in Netflix and one can "save" it for when it's released on DVD.

I am under the distinct impression that the awful, AWFUL "comedy" farce known as "Outsourced" is, in fact, a sly bit of PR propaganda, designed to enlighten all them middle-Americans that can't stand having to talk to someone from Bangladesh named Dave about how their mortgage is past due or they are a month late on

I wonder what it's like to die because you took too many anti-depressants . . ?

Timothy McVeigh [supposedly] killed many OTHER WHITE AMERICANS; and that's the only type of people white Americans pretend to care about — OTHER WHITE AMERICANS . . .

Yeah — what SCHIZOHEDRON said was, quite honestly, a stroke of brilliance.

"Zoolander 2: That's Right, Apparently the First One Was JUST Good Enough."

Whenever I go to bed and I worry about what Japanese people are doing, and I lose sleep over it (which has never happened), I simply recollect the atrocities of one [American] Albert Fish and I remember we're all exactly the same in every way. Then I fall fast asleep — content and jubilant.

I wonder how many people . . .
. . . thought that bringing Bill "The Ham-Faced Patriot Trucker Fucker" O'Reilly on a show where he'd be surrounded by a black woman, a jewish woman, a female journalist and some other woman would result in some sort of genial display of even-tempered political discussion . . ?

HA! "MAOBAMA!" No no no no — not even CLOSE! We should BE so lucky! When was the last time the US gov't rounded up a bunch of critical journalists and killed them? Once an oligarchy always an oligarchy.

Failure — by the way — is an all-too-familiar companion.

Depends on the browser, you know?

Yeah, I'm not sure borrowing from OTHER FUCKING MOVIES is anything short of COMPLETELY OKAY. Most writers and/or directors do that sort of thing all the time and, in turn, lend a bit of legitimacy to their efforts . . .

I don't know . . .
. . . In this particular CASE, I thought the FIRST 39 minutes were totally watchable.

Finally, a senatorial decision I can really relate to — something I can hold near and dear to my heart as a move on the part of my government to keep my best interests in mind . . . I will now slumber peacefully, knowing full-well that no longer will my family — my children! — be subjected to the barely noticeable

Yeah. What the fuck? Mike Myers?

What the fuck in hell!? "Humanure" is one of the most ridiculously wonderful things I've ever seen!

And then she said "n**ger" on the air and now she's resigning. A sprig of justice then.

Maybe he'll wake up and be funnier.