Poop Trumpet

Van Mundegaarde:

. . . but you will blow him first.

Point taken. But I found the li'l clips to be more than enough to understand her. I decided I didn't like it. That's all. I just don't care for her particular brand of pop music. Personally, I find the whole display obnoxious; and not in an entertaining way.

So was it real meat? If so, was she considered a bio-hazard? She's a big ol' bleeding heart (which is just fine) so did she cook and serve the meat to the homeless afterward? I want answers without having to look for them, people!

What if you've only heard "Bad Romance" because you listened to the sample on Amazon when you wanted to figure out why everyone liked this "Lady Gaga" so much? Then your sister-in-law came over and asked your wife to listen to "Alejandro," and you heard some of it before you walked to another room . . ?

I'm mortal, so I can't really relate to this film's unstaunched, hemic hellishness. However, fans flow to these films as if they were wolves mawing on the salty coagulants of a day-old dead deer.


Since Bieber sucks in a very USUAL way,
Perhaps we should try and slow LOTS of shitty pop songs down and see if they're more tolerable. My guess is, 'YES, THEY WILL BE . . .' You know, if you take ANYTHING you hate and push it 800% in another direction, you probably won't hate it as much.

Hey, you know what frustrates ME . . ?

". . . FULLY D IN P FUCKED . . . "

Licensed Physician is right — AND wrong . . . Yes, this increase in efficiency leads to exponentially more rapid urinary relief (for example, the lengthiest urinary experience I've personally had lasted no more than 3.5 seconds); however, said relief comes in the form of a generous and altogether weak (pressure-wise)

I wish I had great abs . . .

He has three dicks NOW . . . He used to have only ONE dick, but he paid a radical plastic surgeon to split it into three, independently-chambered "dickispheres." When engorged with comedy, these triangular appendages join to form "THE ULTIMATE ORIGINAL DICK."

I think the lesson here — in general — is that presidents are big, fat ball-lickers.

I can't think of anything as funny as "Anchorman" or "Step Brothers." But, as we all know, what people think is funny is very personal and oddly-tailored . . . For example, I think "Lobo" comics are really funny ('Paramilitary Christmas Special, Lobo/Authority Spring Break Massacre') but other people genuinely enjoy



God damn it, BIG KNIFE! You're completely correct! And the first fucking issue of the comic book (PUBLISHED IN 2003, MIND YOU) is fetching hundreds of dollars on ebay. SHIT!

Holy undead blowjob, J SERIOUS! That's one of the best ideas I've ever read on this infernally wonderful website! Zombie cops giving vampires a hard time just 'cause their party is loud! And no one can understand the zombies 'cause all they can do is moan and sometimes say "braaaaains!"

"Frank Zappa lives on as a guy who made unlistenable avant-garde bullshit music that fat, friendless losers drooled over.