
Wake up sheeple! Everyone's missing the point: where's my fuckin Justin Vernon/Kanye West full-collaboration album?!

"I never go into the woods. Everybody knows that about me."

Adam Scott getting to stretch a bit like with "The Vicious Kind"? Sold!

WELL THEN WHAT GOOD ARE YOU TO ME?! Also, Stevens pretty much permanently endeared himself to me when he was so humble about the difficulty of the 50 States project

This is not the proper forum, but did anyone read the interview with Dan Bejar on (sorry) Pitchfork? It'd be nice to finish an article about a musician i enjoy and not feel like they're an elitist douchebag.

I like Sun Kil Moon, but the best thing to come out of the band is the increased attention it'll bring to the Red House Painters catalogue.

When she leaned back on the bed her face reminded me of a slightly older Sally Draper…sorry

I'll buy that, but the show's clearly trying for the same vibe as the current DC movies. I'm still excited for the show to hone itself as it goes along.

I think the major difference is that Arrow seems comfortable being a traditionally comic-booky (action+melodramatic/soapy) show, while Daredevil seems to want to be taken more seriously than that (very DCish). Unfortunately, it feels like the majority of praise going to the show is based more off of potential at this…

That final jump off the building at the end was some underwhelming shit