
she is
a huge guilty pleasure for me right now. "your love is my drug" is a good song. unapologetic, unpretentious dance pop with a chorus that just explodes out of the song.

she is
a huge guilty pleasure for me right now. "your love is my drug" is a good song. unapologetic, unpretentious dance pop with a chorus that just explodes out of the song.

I already told you, once!

I'm a Canuck. But thanks.

Nice Avatar, Artist. One of my favourite films!

I only dove into the wonderful world of Steely Dan last year, picking up Can't Buy a Thrill on a whim. Been listening to it pretty regularly since then. Great album in its entirety! Haven't gotten around to checking anything else out though.

The singles were Sober and Prison Sex. But Flood is a true masterpiece.

Yeah. The big single, Heart Shaped Box, is actually the worst song on the album IMO. All the above mentioned are awesome.


Radio Friendly Unit Shifter is GREAT! :-)

I forgot Ariel Pink. That was a good one.

He's a pioneering Canadian indie stalwart of utterly brilliant songwriting ability and musicianship. As for genre, he's hard to pin down. A lot of the music is psychedelic/prog pop. He's been dipping into the progressive rock/metal stuff these days though. Very influential and can count Beck and Broken Social Scene

"These Days Are Old"
A lot of people know "These Days Are Old" by Spookey Ruben. But a forgotten classic on Modes of Transportation Vol. 1 is definitely "Crystal Cradle".

Paul D'amour
I was introduced to this man's work by ex-Tool bassist Paul D'amour's apparent fixation with basing his musical material on Banks' books. After Tool he created the band Lusk which was very influenced by the Wasp Factory. His next band was Feersum Ennjin, which made me pick up the book Feersum Endjinn.

I'll Do As I See Fit
If anyone I know goes to see this movie, I am going to smash them in the face.

Seventh Tree is superb!
One of the best albums I've heard in a couple of years!