Yes, except the Lotus Island album was designed specifically for this purpose.
Yes, except the Lotus Island album was designed specifically for this purpose.
The band Black Light Burns has produced an album called Lotus Island that can be played as alternative soundtrack for the the film. It adds a great deal of value to an already unique and mesmerising viewing experience.
South Africa was the fifth country in the world to legalize gay marriage. It took years of struggle through the courts and parliament. Many LGBT South Africans still suffer at the hands of hatemongers, but our legal battles for marriage equality serve as an example for those that seek justice around the globe. The…
South Africa was the fifth country in the world to legalize gay marriage. It took years of struggle through the courts and parliament. Many LGBT South Africans still suffer at the hands of hatemongers, but our legal battles for marriage equality serve as an example for those that seek justice around the globe. The…
Why is the VP looking for a running mate four years in advance of his own run for president?
Why is the VP looking for a running mate four years in advance of his own run for president?
Did anyone else notice that the USA Today newspaper that Jessica finds in the hotel room has Romney and Obama on the cover in an election race story. What does this mean for the world that Homeland is set in?
Did anyone else notice that the USA Today newspaper that Jessica finds in the hotel room has Romney and Obama on the cover in an election race story. What does this mean for the world that Homeland is set in?
Is there a plan to cover the missing season 1 episodes since they are all available to watch online?
I blame Shaka Zulu for being so popular, the 80's tv show made Zulus the go to African tribe for all African countries. Plus, having Zulus in Zambia has a nice ring to it and makes everything seem more exotic.
I blame Shaka Zulu for being so popular, the 80's tv show made Zulus the go to African tribe for all African countries. Plus, having Zulus in Zambia has a nice ring to it and makes everything seem more exotic.
Since Zulu women live in South Africa not Zambia does that mean that Scott Strauss is lying about his trip to Africa or are the writers not doing their homework?
I think it is high time for some honesty. How many other shows has Todd been to see live? I can't shrug off the suspicion that he is going easy on this clearly below average show because he feels a greater sense of connection to it after seeing it being made. I feel less convinced by his argument that the show just…
The killswitch comment was one of the best lines of the episode, especially given that Virgina is prone to hitting people on the head with heavy objects.
It actually means the The Answer in Afrikaans.
The two guys that created Supertrain went on to write Witness with Harrison Ford and The Grifters with John Cusack.
Big Pete and Ellen
The romance between Big Pete and Ellen is more deftly handled than it seems think at first glance. Instead of yielding to temptation and showing how their relationship develops, we are merely told that are together. Given that this episode takes place over a year and other episodes are told as…