in Soviet Russia, pizza slices you?
in Soviet Russia, pizza slices you?
Hey Swanky,
Sorry, but I have seen some brutal disparities in health care between Canada and the US. Canada always comes out on top. Especially when you consider that it's the fucking US of A here, not some lesser power (i.e. canada, australia, spain etc.). The US should have the best system, right? Not a system where…
You'd be one Bad Lieutenant.
Having been a recipient of Canadian health care.. it rocks. No Copay, No bill from the lab, and the same service. The problem with your argument ZMF, is that said motherfuckers are going to drain on resources by going to emergency rooms and costing the state/fed at least double what it would cost for some preventative…
Im curious ZMF, what career is the ZMF about? What is your path?
Thats like the pot calling the kettle black. I think Canada offers some cool things: Lenient Marijuana laws, Tim Hortons, Health Care for all, and all that frontier. Besides Quebec Hydro helps power much of the northeast.
ZMF, I like the conversion to metric, that was a nice touch. Otherwise though, not really bright thinking. Why are you so insistent on owning Canada? WTF?
8 bit midi.
Joe vs Volcano
Also…. that Freddy/Jason shit was very lame.
He's a tight-ass! He's a SADIST! He's an absentee landlord! Hoo-Ahhh!
ugh. failed foursies. Neil Tennant sort of looks like Ben Stein.
West End Girls
Im pretty sure is the 4th song I heard from them…
No Love?
for Thunder in Paradise?
Comic Book Movies
I understand why Moore is up there.. But were any of the multiple writers involved pleased with DD, Elektra, F4, F4-2, Xmen 3, Ghost Rider, Punisher et al.? That would constitute it's own list, which would be awfully boring, but nonetheless a list.
I never stole a horse from someone I didn't like. Did I like him? Hell no; I loved the son of a bitch. You asked me if I have scars? Yessir, I have my scars… [que westerny score]
Well I think you bias yourr data pool by citing the ones with Biographies. I mean… it kind of goes hand in hand (or cock in hand!) that biography-writin' porn starlets think they have this crazy story to tell about how they got into porno. I bet there are quite a few actresses (performers if you prefer) that haven't…
And Peter North is the one who could hit you with a money shot from his vacation home in Denver.
hey Origami, I don't know you, but based on your comments I bet you had some emotionally traumatic experiences growing up.
Mute child sidekick? ahhh fuck. Isn't that borrowing from cyborg or cyborg 2 or some other damme/lundgren movie?