
Not in High Valyrian! I actually looked it up, because apparently HBO has a dude on their payroll whose job it is just to make up Valyrian words. Gold is āeksion and leaf is temby. So the guy's name would be David Aeksiontemby. Meh. I still like Geldenblatterion better.

Martin will need to "thronerize" David Goldblatt to Davearys Geldenblatterion or somefink equally throne-y.

Always, dingles. Always.

Spoiler: RuPaul sweeps in and claims the Iron Throne as the true mother of drag queens. /Emily Litella

JFC, leave the damn cat alone already. I mean if it was a cameo in Sharknado 2, that would be a different story.

I would watch the hell out of a Han Solo prequel. Oh yes.

No one can touch those Charlie Murphy sketches. They are comedy gold/platinum/whatever. Up there with classic SNL and KitH.

"Sexpionage" by Fincher sounds decidedly unsexy. No thanks!

They really are two different people. Mind. Blown.

This is a damned shame. Hoping he pulls through.