He's a sexy Dracula. It doesn't matter what kind of Dracula he is.
He's a sexy Dracula. It doesn't matter what kind of Dracula he is.
We did get Rabbi Chang out of "Basic Geneology", at least.
Are you listening, "Basic Lupine Urology" and "G.I. Jeff"?
Those are my top two as well.
I still laugh when I think about Chang practically sobbing as he tries to explain "bear down for midterms".
I actually don't care for it at all. It's pure fan service, and "Community" was better than that.
That African-American police chief character Core Concept is playing is right.
I love S1 and S2, but S1 is just a little bit more consistent — and charming as all hell.
Yes. The tag Troy and Abed did with Betty White's character is a reasonably close second.
"Basic Rocket Science" is another great introductory episode. Not the best S2 outing, but a strong introduction to the show that encapsulates the characters' relationships and positions within the show's universe.
Aww, Todd…
I eagerly anticipate never hearing about this movie again except in a witty Slate article and when Matt Drudge breathlessly exclaims all over his shitty website about how it's the actual number one movie in America or the biggest Christian film since The Passion of the Christ or some nonsense like that.
I mean, they do still use iPads in the 24th century, and we all know how glitched those things are.
A DS9 feature film? I couldn't agree more!
Damn Rappin_Jake, your feminine rhyme has some killer curves.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
She's not particularly funny or very good at impressions, but she sure is cute, isn't she?
I thought this show was actually pretty solid, in that none of the sketches were outright annoying or confusing. The filmed piece with Bayer, Mooney, and Bennett was easily the funniest sketch, although I enjoyed "Les Jeunes" and "Little Mermaid" too.