
My cousin was born in Thailand to two Thai-speaking parents and can barely speak a word now. If the parents don't encourage the child to keep up the language, they lose it. Simple as that.

Completely agree. I like a bulkier dude, so Gen X is doing much more for me than the guys on the Millenial Tribe. And knowing that Bret is into dudes as well is pretty awesome.

Ken can make any damn face he wants and still look incredible.

Basically Ian was being shitty for erasing bisexuality as an identity while Caleb was being shitty for thinking that sleeping with a person of the opposite sex in a homosexual monogamous relationship isn't considered cheating.

House Tyrell's power still exists, but her whole goal was strengthening her House and her and her grandchildren's positions. Both her heirs are dead (in the show), and she has no chance at reproducing. Mace may have had siblings, you're right, but the main line (and future) of House Tyrell is effectively wiped out.

Well if you think about the Big houses in the books (those who rule the others in the North, South, East and West), their numbers are definitely dwindling and their power is often less than before.

He's still a bastard though.

I think this season (and the books as well) have really been building up to the extinction of great, ancient houses. House Baratheon is extinct. House Tyrell is now extinct (not in the books, where Loras and Margaery have 2 brothers). House Stark's male line is extinct (assuming Bran is unable to reproduce), and House

Brb, gotta go find my tinfoil hat.

I am honestly way too attracted to Reid Scott. Dan's personality somehow makes him more attractive, and I don't know why.

I know the ending and "Hodor" was emotional and all, but we also got most of the "Mercy" chapter from Winds of Winter. So that's pretty neat.

Fair enough. I hadn't heard about that. Seems like there's a huge disconnect between her later edit as clever and on top of things vs neurotic weirdo.

The two people who saw Aubry at her most neurotic and weak were Debbie and Joe … who were the only two who also voted for her. So I think that argument is bullshit.

Someone on Reddit said that if Aubry was a man and played the exact same game, she 100% would have been the winner.

People need to tell Callie she's the worst more often.

Tony's queer too.

Always nice to see intersectional feminism get some recognition on this show. And the Guyggles blowing up was a satisfying end to the sketch too.

Best interaction of the night. Just everyone being their awful selves. This show made anti-semitism funny.

I think Cydney knew she could never trust Jenny again after that. If Jenny had flipped back without telling her, it would have solidified Cydney at the bottom of the tribe.

I feel the exact same way as Michael. His features are all just blurred together and I find him incredibly boring and unlikable. If JtV settles on Michael, I'll still watch, just be disappointed.