I absolutely love how this jury is stacked in Shirin's favour at the moment. Somehow she managed to make all the awful people hate her. Maybe it's because she's genuinely a kind person, if not a little quirky, and they just can't handle that.
I absolutely love how this jury is stacked in Shirin's favour at the moment. Somehow she managed to make all the awful people hate her. Maybe it's because she's genuinely a kind person, if not a little quirky, and they just can't handle that.
True! I forgot D) Actively attempting to shut down dialogue from a person attempting to discuss their experience with abuse. What a pig.
Someone on reddit pointed out that Mike didn't even spy shack. He was just standing nearby and either they didn't care, or just didn't bother to take a cursory glance around.
Seems like the 6 happened because it was still 7 until Mike both betrayed everyone's trust and then badmouthed 4/6 of his alliance members.
I just need to throw it out there that Will is a disgusting human being for:
Yeah, it definitely showed off Mike's social aspect. Joe obviously seems to like and respect the guy, as does Shirin. It's only Rodney who seems to really hate him.
True, Mike is a more stable choice than Rodney. Though I could see Rodney zeroing in on an idol, especially with his plan to divide his alliance against Mike.
With Joe gone, I'm now a firm Shirin supporter. She's playing her ass off now.
Isn't the plan for them to join up with Rodney and then take out Mike, Sierra and Dan? And then they'd be able to pick off Rodney. I think that's their plan, anyways. I think Carolyn's the leader of the pack and Tyler and Will will do whatever she says.
I would have liked to see an alternate universe where Joe offered the idol to Rodney instead. Mike is too smart AND has an idol already, while Rodney is not smart, and has no idol. I think Joe played the ace too early, that's all. At least he would have had a BETTER chance than with Mike.
So is it weird for me not to like Mike then? I find him to be obnoxious and unenjoyable. Maybe it's because I tend to root for underdogs, and Mike is definitely not one.
Ugh, this show is no fun if one alliance just picks off the other. And don't the non-blue collars realize that when their alliance is the only one left, they'll be picked off? Like, Tyler will be a physical threat eventually when Joe gets (sobs) voted out.
I loved her moment with Jeff before the immunity challenge. I think he likes having her around.
She definitely doesn't taint the show's reputation!
For sure. But for now, he has the trust of the Blue collars. Though that may not mean much depending on how the next couple of weeks play out.
It's a fine line in this game. For Jenn, it paid off.
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how this works for Will's game. On one hand, he has the trust of the Blue Collar tribe now, especially Mike. But on the other, the no-collars will never trust him again, and if the Blues split between Rodney and Mike, then Will is no longer part of the majority.
I was so happy that she played her idol. It revealed a lot about their relationship with Will, since he didn't tell them that he thought Hali was going home. And her and Hali's awareness that their two-some was the next biggest threat after Joe was so great. I'm really glad she's still in.
I liked the casual drop that Schmidt's mom is a lesbian/bi. And that he calls her girlfriend/wife(?) a work friend. Never change, Schmidt.
My mom tore some of mine up if they were too messy/she didn't like it. It was slightly traumatizing.