And Winston's satisfaction at it being called that. Perfect.
And Winston's satisfaction at it being called that. Perfect.
It was a pretty solid episode. And I really enjoyed the final shot where they make use of the fact that Penny's apartment is a set. It was a subtle touch, and nicely done.
She's amazing. Brings a life into Louise that no one else could. And it's further emphasized due to Mintz's flat delivery of Tina, which is perfect in its own way.
I … I actually enjoyed the episode. It was a cute episode, with enough laughs to make it worth while. I enjoyed Homer luring Offerman's character back into alcoholism because that's just something Homer would inadvertently do.
Agreed. There was just something about it that made me think it wouldn't have been terribly out of place in an earlier season. Not 4-7 worthy, but not bad.
My one complaint in this episode is that there weren't enough close-ups of Jimmy Jr's butt. Other than that, solid.
One of my favourite Hibberts from THOH is the island, animal-mutating Hibbert. He was actually insane.
For a keener like Alex, a fall tour definitely isn't out of the question.
Her facial expressions were on point the entire episode. Especially at the table.
You know what they say, the third time's the charm! Except for me. It took four.
True, blatant.
I excused them because they're better than the borderline antisemitism you get from Family Guy Jewish jokes.
Agreed on the couch gag. I liked it for the first bit, and then it got too drawn out and uncomfortable and I figured it would be filler for a mediocre episode. I guess I wasn't wrong.
Yep, I love this show. It's practically guaranteed to make me laugh at least 5 times, and has an energy that's really hard to replicate. Happy Endings had the same kind of energy, and since that's gone, I'm glad there's something else out there trying to do the same thing.
Well she did assume Mindy was the cleaning lady …
They're getting Flanderized for sure.
The entire series is on Canadian netflix. It's a fun ride.
Also, it's pretty stupid for Bill and Sookie to be talking if he was meant to surprise the bloodthirsty vampires with super hearing.
Sookie made the right call. Alcide would have resented her for making the call to turn him into something he hated. Pretty sure he'd rather be dead than a vampire.
This episode deserves a higher grade just for the Jason-Eric scene. Yes, it was fan service, but as a man with a slight infatuation towards Skarsgard and obsession with Kwanten, it worked for me.