Jasper Lamar Crabb

Saw the trailer for this - looked really fucking bad.  

IIRC the New Yorker profile made it sound like she was the "hands-on-has-lots-of-control" type.  Her production company put it together. 

"There’s a smart, funny, observant comedy-drama to be made about the role
our romantic pasts play in determining our futures, but director Mark
Mylod and screenwriters Jennifer Crittenden (a Simpsons veteran
who really should know better) and Gabrielle Allan are less interested
in making that movie than in cycling

He was the father in An Officer and a Gentleman.  Kind of surprised they didn't ask him about that one…. a great performance, one of the sleaziest characters ever.  

I thought I'M NOT THERE did a good job with Dylan w/o lionizing him.  

Shane, you should listen to Adam Carolla's podcast with Albert Brooks, they express a great deal of disdain for characters using names in dialogue.  It's sort of like the false intimacy that politicians try to cultivate when they use your first name incessantly, isn't it, Shane?  

I thought of DAOIBH immediately too.  And what's scary is that there are actual dog psychiatrists now, while Paul Mazursky  was (presumably) presenting this scene as an insane thing that could never really happen.

That guy probably actually worked at a bank, may even still be there. I'd have to look it up to be sure, but I believe Eva Mattes was the only professional actor in STOSZEK.

Mind-numbingly stupid, yes. But although I loathed the movie I wouldn't say it's misogynist. True, the women are brainless and faithless, but EVERY character in the movie is pretty much a waste of life, so I think that's more a function of the filmmakers not really being able to portray people all that well rather

Sort of. The only relationship that lasts in the movie is the friendship between the two dipshit leads, but it stops well short of suggesting they're queer for each other.

I just saw it and thought it was worse than mediocre, really quite bad. I'm astonished that it's gotten so much good press. It's got some cute gimmicky photography, but that's it.

THE DARK KNIGHT - one depressing aspect of Nolan's world view is that apparently the best that Christian Bale and Aaron Eckhardt can do for a love interest in that universe is Maggie Gyllenhaal.

Bogdonavich made a couple of worthwhile films after his artistic split with Platt, namely MASK and SAINT JACK, but yeah the drop-off is really startling. It's too bad Platt never directed anything herself.

It depends. If you're getting it just for the four extra minutes, I wouldn't bother, but it's worth seeking out for the kick-ass supplements and commentaries. James Ellroy on this thing is not to be missed. And while I'm at it, everybody should also check out his hilarious commentary for THE LINE-UP.

"Do people call me names?"

I thought Fred Durst had given up music and switched to film directing. Also, I saw him once at El Coyote and have felt vaguely guilty ever since over not killing him when I had the chance.

dead dead dead
Three people at that table are dead now - Chris Penn, Edward Bunker, and Lawrence Tierney.

SKELETON KEY was decent, and she was good in THE KILLER INSIDE ME. But yeah, in general my feelings about her and her body of work are resolutely meh-ish.

I liked the remake (especially the Slim Whitman playing when we first see Mother). I just looked at it as an alternative universe version of PSYCHO, and we can't get enough of those.

so what
This new movie sounds terrible, but it doesn't bother me because it's barely a remake at all. They're only using pretty basic plot points from the original that have already been debased by countless action movies already anyway (a couple of posters have cited THE EXPENDABLES). If it was set in Japan during