Solipsistic Nation

I saw Big Trouble in Little China a few months after moving to Boston. I had no idea what the movie was about except that it was a John Carpenter flick starring Kurt Russell. I had a fucking BLAST! Since then I counted down the days until it would be released on DVD and nearly throttled a clerk asking for my copy.

High Tech Soul
I remember back in the day at one of our station meetings discussing broadcasting a techno show. I was punk as fuck at the time and rallied against the show, saying that it was just a fad and would quickly go the way of disco. Twenty years later techno is still going on strong and I've realized that

Dusty Skies
As hokey as Bob Wills' "Dusty Skies" that song still slays me every time I hear it.

Seen Better Daze
I once dated a hippie chick who exposed me to music I would have never listened to. Some of it, like Phish, was truly awful and not even hits from the bong would make their stuff enjoyable. Some of it, like Dave Matthews, made me grit my teeth and led to some great angry sex. And some of it, like Ben