The Deputy Mayor of Simpleton

Holy shit!
This is awesome! I like metal a lot, but I'm not a total metal guy, so I've always felt like I only know the surface stuff, the obvious stuff. This will be a great way to dig a little deeper. Can't wait to read the comments too, you kids on the internet know your stuff. Oh, fuck, what will ZMF say? This

Still waiting.
I sent Shepard Fairey an email once (before he was famous) and he never wrote back. I'm still a little bitter.


proud to say
that i've never watched an episode of this, but i have seen the bob goldthwait bit on the internets, because bobcat is a genius, and fuck jay leno in the chin valley.

Still feeling my initial shock.

Can Pacino make him creepier?
Yes. Yes he can.

Our cat, when anthromorphized by us, has the voice of the grandmother from Weird Science: "He won't, you know. He doesn't stand for baloney." It is awesome.

Around the Mayor's office, we call it "So You Think You're In France," and we say it in Kat Deeley's voice, and the whole world is giggle-colored and shiny.


Aw crap:
That's Kim Kelly, isn't it.

Don't Stop Believing.
When I was a leetle kid, I misheard the line "Well the movie never ends, it goes on and on…" as "What a movie mess we're in, it goes on and on…" and even though I've wised up since, I still kind of prefer my original interpretation.

I saw the pilot for Glee last week, and she is pretty much the funniest thing in it, although the character is *very* similar to the one in Role Models.

Whenever I daydream about being the kind of badass who could beat somebody up (in traffic or whatever dumb fuckin' thing is happening) I always give myself that line. Thank god it's never come to pass that I've actually needed to beat somebody up; I would most certainly mangle the line.

Possibly maybe
I might be more excited about Chuck than Dollhouse. Both renewals are terribly exciting and the knowledge is a relief. I think I like Chuck more, but Dollhouse is Whedon, for goodness' sake. I am conflicted. Help me out here, cohort. How should I feel? I look to you all for guidance.

That's the name of my new band, actually—The Lumberjack Memes. And we do all songs about pirates, monkeys, ninjas and zombies. Oh and also how math is cool.

My favorite part of the happy meal?
It's fries!

It's been ten years, and no one has anything to say? Phel? Oh The Possibilities? But you guys *always* have something to say!

Did I miss this? Or did everyone else?
Jason Schwartzman in "Rushmore."

Several days have gone by
…and no one is even going to comment on the word 'frangible'?

@ Pretty Colors—