
Really??? John Slattery is no Jon Hamm, but he is a handsome, handsome man—and the show has given us plenty of examples of him being charming and able to close.

Really??? John Slattery is no Jon Hamm, but he is a handsome, handsome man—and the show has given us plenty of examples of him being charming and able to close.

Hello, it was his 50th birthday!

Gah, that Jon Hamm picture again!

He's so freakin' hot, I think he could get me pregnant with his eyes.

My husband just got a new guy on his baseball team named Jimmy. I'm waiting for him to hurt himself during a game just so I can yell out, "JIMMY'S DOWN!" Does that make me a horrible person?

^Co-sign. That man is delicious.

As any Cubs fan can tell you, there is no God.

It is not, "You're really good-looking," that Jerry says when someone sneezes, it's "You're soooooo good-lookin'!" Respect, Sims! Can't wait til you get to my episodes.

Yes, Karate Kid is great. And "You're the Best Around" is the most inspirational song ever written. It makes me wanna kick ass no matter what I'm doing!

Always been partial to Dig a Pony myself.

Roy Orbison, of course!

Of course, I had to break up with him because he kept referring to movies as "flicks" and I find that really fucking annoying.

Ice-Nine!!! I once fell for a waiter at a local diner because he picked up a pie out of the fridge and said, "That's colder than Ice-Nine!" Are you from middle-of-nowhere Iowa, by any chance?

Just came up on my iPod!
"Oh, Pretty Woman" is a pretty perfect summer song. Makes me want to throw on a sundress and walk past some lecherous old men.

I'm with you, Aurthur—hated it then, still hate it now. In fact, I now have an intense and irrational hatred for The Visible Man for making me even think of it! Time to crank up "Girlfriend" on the iPod…

Don't worry, JVS, I appreciate your WWF/E reference! Al Snow, that was one crazy motherfucker…

Ha! Kashmir! I can never listen to that song without thinking of Rat and Stacy's awkward and horrible date in "Fast Times"!

Want to hear them!
Why can't I listen to any of these songs?? Is it my crappy computer, or are others having problems too? My computer says (9 items remaining) the whole time I'm on these pages, and I don't have any links to click on to listen to the songs.

World Championship Toad Races can't hold a candle to Cow Chip Bingo. And if you don't know what that is, think about whether or not you truly want to know the answer before asking.