Admiral Ackbar

And yet, to avoid any intimation of European-ness, he REFUSES to eat Freedom Fries with semen. Only ketchup.

Chubby Chasee, I'm pretty sure one of two things happens if you shave G-Rod's head:

Heavens, I am chastened. If anyone finds out I don't fully understand sci-fi as a genre, I'll have no choice but to … go on living my life in a completely unchanged manner.

Oh yeah, I can totally see that.

I'm pretty sure Swearingen and Wu could take over Em City within a matter of hours. I'm pretty sure Ryan O'Reilly would get along well in a Swearingen administration.

Totally! That was exactly what I was thinking — the northern strip of Gilboa suuuure does remind me of another disputed strip of land that rhymes with Raza, and the plight of its displaced citizens has more than a little bit of Palestinian tragedy in it. Yet another reason it's sad this show isn't a hit — maybe it

There's nothing remotely sci-fi about Kings, unless you consider Soviet-era tank technology and late-model cars futuristic.

Despite Lemur's thoughtful attempts, I'm concerned the word "bullshit" hasn't appeared enough times in this comment thread. So: Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit; bullshit bullshit bullshit, bullshit. However: Bullshit, bullshit bullshit; but please bear in mind bullshit. In conclusion, bullshit.

"also: wah wah wah, everything was so much better in the 1990s."

Sure, right. That too.

Dude, seriously, it immediately becomes apparent when listening to that interview that he's formulating his entire idea of NPR around a single series of Saturday Night Live skits. Of which he saw like, one-half of one. Calling him a useless twat is an insult to twats and uselessness.

Yeah, I concur. Not to say there aren't tons of incredibly important unsung country musicians in addition to Cash, but if nothing else, the way he transcended genres has yet to be replicated, at least by anyone I can think of. That alone makes him a pivotal figure.

should've gone with Sidious
If Qui-Gon Jinn had just *listened* to the Emperor about the whole death-reversing-via-the-Force for a couple of minutes, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I concur. The past four episodes have been terrific, much better than B-grade.

Remember the Stinky Feet project, which was either the follow-up or the precursor to the Stinky Meat project? At one point during it he was walking around the boardwalk for days with plastic bags on his feet trying to get Athlete's Foot. He referred to the liquid that finally poured out of the bags as "the Devil's

Incidentally, don't bother now; it's apparently been taken over by a test-prep company of some sort. That ship has sailed. It has also pulled up, because the shields are still operational.

The Spark
Anybody ever read TheSpark.com, Christian Rudder's old site, a billion years ago? That guy is fucking hilarious. The songs aren't bad either.

See, the first impression must have it — "Oz" was the first thing I saw him in, and he played the Evilest Pre-Blagojevich Governor In the World (I believe his last name was "Devlin," in case any viewers had any lingering doubts). Ever since, he's been branded EEEEEVIL for me.

It's ludicrous to condemn someone's significant other whom you've never met solely on the basis of liking shitty movies. A lot of good people like shitty movies. Do you have a mom? A grandmother? Are their tastes in movies impeccable? Do you love them anyway? Okay then.

Dear Warren,