
I agree that it feels that way. We're barely seeing Bay and Regina and Daphne and the Kennishes which is what this season SHOULD have been about, but instead, it is boring boyfriend central. It's like they decided the fans were upset about lack of bio parent-child bonding and think just because we see Bay at Angelo's

Your posts are made of win :) Exactly how I feel. She didn't drop him and it's getting to the point of beyond ridiculous for him to keep harping on that. We're not talking about two people in their 20s who had been together for two years. We're talking about a high school sophomore, who was 15 at the time, and a 19

So much word. I could never ever see Bay asking Emmett to do anything like that ever. That is the bottom line. Trust. If you don't, don't stay with them. But this ridiculous guilt trip, and for what? Ty, she didn't cheat. She also didn't drop you. You were together for two milliseconds and she is a high school girl.

I don't get why Ty is so threatened by Emmett either. What, did he secretly find Emmett's timeline? Oh that would be hilarious. I hope he did. But really. I don't get it. It's not like he was privy to Carlton referring to them as "Ebay" and knew that they were an "epic romance." Come off it, dude. For someone who