
Alicia sexytimes and Diane laughing*? If they had included some annoyed Eli then this episode would've had everything I need from this show

if Wikipedia is to be believed his mother is from Vancouver, so he's half Canadian. So I guess he's only half lying?

if Wikipedia is to be believed his mother is from Vancouver, so he's half Canadian. So I guess he's only half lying?

Apparently the knockouts are only going to be 2 2-hour long episodes. They can't possibly fit 40 performances in that time so odds are we'll get a ton of montages just to get it over with as soon as possible

Apparently the knockouts are only going to be 2 2-hour long episodes. They can't possibly fit 40 performances in that time so odds are we'll get a ton of montages just to get it over with as soon as possible

I'm glad I'm not alone in disliking this episode. Leaving aside the fact that there was 0 buildup for Blaine cheating on Kurt (seriously, would it have been so hard to include a throwaway line about him talking to someone else on facebook or whatever?) it was hard to care about all these couples breaking up when I

I'm glad I'm not alone in disliking this episode. Leaving aside the fact that there was 0 buildup for Blaine cheating on Kurt (seriously, would it have been so hard to include a throwaway line about him talking to someone else on facebook or whatever?) it was hard to care about all these couples breaking up when I

Actually Cee Lo recorded a song on Vicky's album (they performed it last season I think) and he also had a mini rant on twitter saying that if Juliet didn't win or Universal didn't sign her later then he was going to sign her to his label anyways.

Actually Cee Lo recorded a song on Vicky's album (they performed it last season I think) and he also had a mini rant on twitter saying that if Juliet didn't win or Universal didn't sign her later then he was going to sign her to his label anyways.

Really? You thought Celica's voice was shaky? She was great IMO. By far the best on Christina's team… which admittedly is not saying much because her team might be full of very good looking people but most of them are pretty bland singers

Really? You thought Celica's voice was shaky? She was great IMO. By far the best on Christina's team… which admittedly is not saying much because her team might be full of very good looking people but most of them are pretty bland singers

@avclub-401f66b5b93edd22fc42055d09ff5425:disqus hadn't the pattern been explained as a combination of stuff caused by DRJ's minions, random mad scientists and the result of Walter's trip to the other side?

@avclub-401f66b5b93edd22fc42055d09ff5425:disqus hadn't the pattern been explained as a combination of stuff caused by DRJ's minions, random mad scientists and the result of Walter's trip to the other side?

Well… yes. But I was trying to not include myself to stay classy. Which admittedly was silly taking in count nowadays I only watch Glee for the occasional fanservice from CHORD OVERSTREET

Well… yes. But I was trying to not include myself to stay classy. Which admittedly was silly taking in count nowadays I only watch Glee for the occasional fanservice from CHORD OVERSTREET

A Glee version of AvX actually sounds better than the comic (and it would bring huge ratings because fangirls would kill to see CHORD OVERSTREET and Darren Criss in spandex). Wonder if that says something about how bad I think AvX is or how much I'd like to see Glee kill Will

A Glee version of AvX actually sounds better than the comic (and it would bring huge ratings because fangirls would kill to see CHORD OVERSTREET and Darren Criss in spandex). Wonder if that says something about how bad I think AvX is or how much I'd like to see Glee kill Will

That's the problem with being on a strong team. Because of the team quotas only Juliet or Jamar could go to the finale, but if either one had been on a weaker team (Blake's, because Adam would've screwed them in favor of Tony) they probably would've gotten there

That's the problem with being on a strong team. Because of the team quotas only Juliet or Jamar could go to the finale, but if either one had been on a weaker team (Blake's, because Adam would've screwed them in favor of Tony) they probably would've gotten there

Well, they do need more cannon fodder than in the last 2 seasons, so they may be picking some bad singers just to make the people they want to get through the battles look better