
Calling Texas podunk is license enough for me to stomp your foot and drag you into the thoroughfare.

I met this guy just before SXSW
He was at a private show here in Austin, doing songs at some house party his friend was having.

Sounds a bit like
The People of Paper by Salvador Plascencia.

Good, but a few old tropes held it down.
The line, "It sounds like you've been running." Or some variation thereof has appeared in every television series since Mash. Or at least it feels like it has.

The Wire was a serial, not a procedural. NYPD Blue and Homicide were procedurals that were both better than Law and Order. Though Law and Order was good in its early seasons which aired around the same time as Blue and Homicide.

FOX didn't make them do anything. Nevermind that the musical episode wasn't even all that musical. Its levity was intended as a release valve for some of the building tension. A dramatic trope seen in Sophocles and even oral tradition.

No the ZFT in "our" universe was written by our Walter. Remeber the typewriter signature discovery.

Uh, @Imagine Nation, you know Austin is already the capital right?

My beef is exactly that: we missed the coversation. That shit is important and we better get it next week.

No more posting for me. My iphone and these fat fingers are making me look stupid tonight: "ealy human," "up to know good?"

I saw first people too. It stood out huge, it went from black to white, it seemed like it was flashing at us.

I blame aliens
How did you not include that?

Ug, twice my iPhone turned they to the. Hate.

On a map in Walternate's office, divided at the Red River it looked like. I'm an asshole Texan so I was hyper alert. Also I fucking loathe that genocidal cunt Andrew Jackson, his omission from alt history was like a love letter to me. Until the messed with Texas. Though, to be historically faithful, we wouldn't have

I mean Peter knows walternate and his cronies are just killing innocents and taking their bodies, etc. He may be pissed, and from there and all but he's not a bad person, whe would he go with the bad people so easily? Curiousity? I mean, I know he's gonna save the day probably and call walternate on his bullshit. I

No way Peter leaves that quickly with walternate. No matter what his dad did, our Walter, he wasn't waging open war. That moment seemed slapped on.

Also, the homage here was to the Princess Bride. Also a story made up on a whim to entertain a child (As was Watership Down, but I digress again.) However the narrative structure here was straight up and down William Goldman.

This Episode Did Much To Advance
The story, in as much as it advanced almost every character within. Walter for instance revealed that he feels responsible for almost every bad thing that has happened, not to mention the entire fucking pattern which Fringe Division exists to investigate.

I shit you not I was offered meth last weekend at [redacted] in Austin. It came up in a conversation about this very show and a dude I was playing pool with asked if I had ever tried it. My answer was no.

I like how they [Chuck and Sarah] finally said shut the fuck up I'm sexually frustrated! And continued with their physical interaction.