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    I would be stoked for this movie if it took place in the same universe as The Killing season 3.

    The discussion on Indian vs American culture was some of my favorite material because it's something he's glossed over his whole career and I know he must have a lot of things to say there. I'm glad he's at a point in his career where he can talk about his parents' arranged marriage without worrying about being

    Spending this much money on a movie ticket sets your expectations too high. Send me to see a movie for free? I'll laugh my head off at the dumbest jokes just out of goodwill. Make me pay $100 for a pair and you'd better be taking me to pleasure town

    Try Wool by Hugh Howey, I think you'll enjoy it

    Noooooooooooope nope nope nopenopenope nooope

    Don't worry, powers beyond your control will generally force you to make the right decision all along the way. Just follow the conveniently structured plot!

    To be fair, Hunger Games didn't need a well-written 3rd book to be successful, either.

    I am still enjoying the show (the first three episodes of this season had me questioning my loyalty to the show, ep 4 brought me back into the fold - meta!) but season 1 was just so good that I feel like the competent TV they've been putting out the last season and a half is a bit disappointing. Sure, watching

    Lot 49 was… memorable. I'd say it's a great halloween-time read but it shouldn't get pidgeonholed, it's decidedly unsettling any time of the year.

    I saw Jumanji in a stadium theater, and as everybody was all filing out I stopped to knock on the wall beneath the seats with that game's rhythm. I still feel bad for that little kid that screamed when he heard it.

    Same goes for me with The Orphanage. It's one of my favorite movies but my dvd is still in its wrapper

    Ughh I needed a mental purgative after Buried. What an exhausting film

    Lust didn't do it for you? That scene is still impossible for me to watch

    After finishing that movie I asked my friend who the hell thought the world needed a meathook scene? Maybe I'm a closeminded puritan but I just don't understand the appeal of that movie.

    I thought Gravity was The Blind Side in space

    This is offensive now? I'm genuinely perplexed by the concern here about that word- is "manhood" an inappropriate term for a dongalong? What's wrong with "her sex" if it's universally understood?

    It's Neourbanism. The White Flight that sent all the money to the suburbs has reversed over the last 10 years or so and downtown areas are being revitalized and taken back by the wealthy. Neighborhoods are distinctly less scary when you're surrounded by condo conversions

    See Animal Kingdom if you haven't already- it's Australia's Winter's Bone. It's not as pretty but it's even more terrifying.

    Henning Mankell's Wallander series exemplifies this. Great books and great TV, too, in a slow and Scandinavian kind of way

    Pardon the necropost, but can you give me some thoughts on why you thought Gentlemen Bastards was worth re-reading? The world-building is admittedly first-rate but I thought the plot was a bit lazy and "on-rails." I never felt like the successes of the characters were their own doing, just coincidences working in