
Then could it be the lawyer or the writer?  They're about the same size and on Emily's poo-poo list.  Can't be Daniel if the writers are sticking loosely to the book.  Daniel has to discover his father's shameful secret and leave with his mother in infamy (and cash).

Say what?  Go Google Angus.  He's not a nobody.  I'm only peeved that he's trying to hide his lovely accent in a horrible mangle.  I would be more interested in his natural brogue.

What about Daddy dearest?  Is he a possible vic?  Père Grayson has a similar build to Daniel and would also freak out Charlotte with his body dragged out of the ocean.

Thank you.  I thought I was reading that wrong.

It still maybe, just not yet.

Maybe he offered to take a discount on the usual actor rate?  It would have to be a hell of a discount for me.

And he opened it up afterwards and found the Lydia video.

Olivia's Age
The girl looked only 8 or 9 to me. I am hard pressed to believe she is older, especially from her writing and drawing styles.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

The only thing better would be "Grandpa" Volkoff. Joy for everyone!!

If you mean I have requested clarity on the correct spelling, yes.

Is it Volcoff or Volkoff or Volcov??
I'm so confused. Has anyone checked through the previous episodes to check this? I just can't imagine a Russian bada$$ spelling his name with a "c" instead of a "k".

Ok, Mr. Heisler, what about MORGAN!
You are week by week leaving out the most interesting stuff related to Morgan. This week Casey has taken a special interest in our hairy little friend and you did not give it very much real estate.

Mr. Alston, it'll be ok.
You are right to think this is out of sequence. I think they need to jump a few episodes if they want to keep the precious few of us they have. This was not a fantastic episode and, to tell the truth, I wish Lizzy's sister would get hit by a car. She's just that painful to watch every week.

THANK YOU FOR NOTICING!!! I thought I was the only one who saw that. The classic funeral scene with James Coburn (no relation to Alex) and Walter Matthau was just about unchanged.

The guy from Avatar is also the back-up guy on Bones. Apparently there is a market for creepy geeks.

Well, I in it until the end
I find that Wednesday is a freaking black hole of tv. This has given me someting to do and let's face it, these two new stars are not hard to look at for 40 minutes a week. Also, I have really enjoyed the accents. They sound like they actually try to do it right.

While I agree Hortensia looks like Octomom, the song was fine. Considering he was a drunken dictator, he was in key and got the words. (Hell, he's Armand Assante. What else does he need, really?) There are actors out there who can't sing that well in a month of Sundays, no matter what their sycophantic staff tell

I agree with your production assesment. I think it had something to do with a change in th show's handler, or the massive cuts in the budget they have had to make. Some monies appear very neccessary. They need to do something to raise funds, like find another corporate tie-in. The CGI is showing.

Steve, do we need to find a better handle for your lady feelings?
It sounds to me like you have some issues with guys who have feelings???? You seem wayyy tooo bitter for a neutral reviewer. Hmmm?????