
I'm with you. I get it already. Let's move on.

Peter used to stare at her in the eyes quite a bit, like you would if you were really into someone. It's not something you would miss if you were hot for someone.

Ok, did I halucinate something I thought was big?
I could swear that Our-livia has green-brown hazel eyes and Alt-livia has blue-hazel eyes? Did I make that up and if not, how could Peter miss that?

Very sad news, indeed
It feels like we lost another national treasure. But more to the point, what do we have to do to get a moritorium on deaths around here!! This is getting really freakin' scary. I'm almost afraid to read the news now.

Who's with me?
I just re-watched the episode last night and have decided that I really love Morgan now. This is opposed to seasons 1 and 2, where I wanted him killed off in a funny way to make room for less annoying people. In last season and this one, he has really stepped up and become a "must-see" on this team,

Hey, speaking of Burn Notice -
Wasn't that Michael Weston's little brother out there in the desert and in Caracas? The spy world is smaller than I thought.

Is it just me??
Or does it feel like people are just dropping dead all of the sudden???

I smell a shark…
I have to say that this show has pretty much jumped the shark for me. I'm only waiting for Ted McGinley, or another "very special" House to make it ofiicial.

" I needed a cheat sheet for Dune, or at least a Cliffs Notes guide of some sort."
When it was in theatres, there was a handout glossary for each patron. Even when I bought the vhs, it had a glossary copied right out of the appendix of the first novel. But you are right, this was more like homework than

No, he used to get nothing. Julian sued the estste in the 90's and won a right to a percentage (not a big percent, but more than squat) of the estate. So, yes, Julian needs to eat, too.

As someone who grew up on the gulf coast I can tell you that feeder bands are nothing to get your panties in a twist over. Maddy was right. Everyone ends up going to work the next day like it was just another day. So did they.

Surprisingly , not that happy with this one
I couldn't wait for the set-up to be over. Maybe I'm getting jaded, but Kendra grew old on me fast. I guess I just want my psychotic assasins with more cool than crazy. Nothing's scarier than a rational bad guy.

Better and TV in the summer is hard enough, especially for those of us WITHOUT fancy cable, just basic. And just maybe the numbers of commenters are "low" in your viewpoint because it summer and people tend to do other things, like go out and have a life with other REAL people, not a tube attached to a box.

Are you kidding me??
I am reading the roster on the right and see that you are currently "reviewing" a bunch of embarrasing reality shows and you wonder "if" you have room in your schedule to review this show. OUCH!!!! How can you waste time each week on who danced better than whom, or who made a better souffle, and

Have we been watching the same series???
" Chuck's always been a regular guy with nothing special about him, who happened upon a great gift;

Yep, very creepy, not to mention a little controlling. Eww.

When I saw "Huntress" on your list, I thought you were mentioning that cool show on the WB (or CW, like it matters). I thought that show should have been given another season to find itself. I can't understand why Smallville has an endless life span and this show didn't even get a fair run.

When I saw "Huntress" on your list, I thought of that cool Batman legacy show in the WB (or CW, like it matters). That show should have had another season before dropping, too. I can't understand why Smallville is in endless loops of life and that show didn't even get a second chance which it richly deserved.

I wish someone would explain to me the "genius" of Cop Rock because everytime I see a clip I want to hurl in a bad way. Not everything set to music is palatable and some things just plain hurt. Why not televise Lord Andrew Lloyd Weber covering Beatrix Potter instead?

I am so with you on 2 of them, Ben Stiller and American Gothic. Those were two shows that should have been on longer although I was less surprised by Stiller's cancellation than Gothic. I think they were both victims of being content ahead of their times.