
To me the real news
Is that John Cho is going to go back this ridiculous franchise just when I was starting to like him in Flashforward (the shows problems notwithstanding, I've been able to take the guy seriously becuase of his role on the show). Bummer.

The David St. Hubbins-inspired hairdo onthe guitar player in this video is better directed than most of what Bay pu ts out these days; I was glad to see where the reviewer went on this one.

Not only is his fantastic in all these films listed, but when I saw North by Northwest, with all due respect to Mr. Grant, I think Stewart would have been better in the lead as Thornhill. It's one of the few times after watching a film I had a specific idea for a replacement for a character that I was quite sure

Don't think you are.

Personally, I prefer the Anderson movie about that guy who sold his soul to devil out of love and admiration for the child sodomist. What was that one called? It was so gritty and true to life…

No thanks
I know Im late for the party, but for the record, another movie/tv show about how depressing the 60s really were and straight men playing gay men in award-worthy performances, and Julianna Moore playing another depressed woman with substance abuse issues that can't pick men… no thanks.

Whatever, Jackson looked hot in this week's episode. The fitted leather jacket, the sunglasses…. good stuff. I heart pacey.

Uh-greed, Barnaby Jones.

Im a Stacy fan myself precisely because I can't figure her out. I really hope she looks just like her photo and really is a mid-20s chick who digs twilight. That would be the best. But either way, I'm along for the ride.

I loved Ledger's performance in BBM, I found him much more sympathetic than Gyllenhal's character/performance.

Agreed, Peachfuzz, you said succinctly what I was thinking.

I have to agree with the disagreement with Mr D'Angelo. I guess I'm somewhere in between the "average" movie goer (whatever that means) and the nit-picky guy who knows way too much about how shots are made. I appreciated the scene for its uniqueness, and the breathlessness that was mentioned above that it created

I know Im super late
But just wanted to confess that when I frst saw this review I was pissed at AVClub and thought, "these guys never give a good grade to anything anymore!", assured that you were being overly critical and that it was sure to be awesome.

Not nearly as interesting a story
as the Harry Connick in Australia black-face gong show story.

Are Buddhists
allowed to carry firearms and beat up guys on cellphones?

So you mean these poor ladies is only gettin' like 10 million a movie instead of 20? Damn, when are those hollywood gals going to catch a break?

Is it wrong to suggest I might not mind Robert Pattinson scolding me?

I meant sign, but sigh is oddly appropriate.

Twilight Vs Palin
Better way to spend three hours in the rain:
