Apocalypse Meow


Seriously, how much longer will this Star Wars nonsense continue? Nerds treat it like the first hot girl that ever held their hand…

I thought that was a home-fill?

How about instead of us paying for something that we already have, you come up with an original idea and give us something we don't.

Moments after this statement was made Scarlett was unhooked from the E-meter device and set free.

I thought that was a Home-Fill?

The interview — I'd like to be in a place where the people of North Korea are free.

Hill Valley 2015 — before Old Biff effed everything up.

'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' for the win.

Ernie McCracken scoffs at those percentages — he is above the law.

The mud-wrestling scene in 'Stripes.'
John Candy at his best — except in 'Cool Runnings.'

Huh. Big celebs usually drop in threes…

Is no one going to comment on how effing awesome Andy's bike shop looks now? After he gets over his pity-party, and his character snaps back into form, he will realize how cool it is to have an up-side down store.

you take that back right now. i'm guessing you must be a woman — no man would think that way…

I'm sorry, but I said it last week and I'll say it again this week — worst Curb season yet. Why? No story arc. I know a lot of people have loved this season so far, however, as with this episode, the charm of a 'show about nothing:part 2' will quickly wear off; Curb needs a story arc.

This show sucks
Long time reader, first time poster…