
Also: Joe = Antonia

Kenley = Lisa
Anyone else notice the similarities between this season's Project Runway designers and Top Chef's season 4 Cheftestants?

Magic Johnson got a cure for AIDS, and all broke muh'fukkas passed away

I've got some post-apocalyptic wood for you to blow, right here…

I've got some post-apocalyptic wood for you to blow, right here…

Boy… that Teddy Rumsen
What a failure… that Rumsen was a real Munson!

I've been a Korto fan since day one, and she's still my favorite to win it all, but I'm starting to think that Jerrell has a chance to win this season. He's just now starting to hit his stride and if he can make it through this next challenge, I think he's got the potential to put on a great show at Bryant

I can't believe that Suede the Cellist doesn't like punk music. All the cellists I know (including myself) are way into the punk scene…. We're the badasses of the orchestra.

Alan Astor
Why doesn't this man get the love he deserves? Pop genius.

My Bloody Valentine is definitely in my top ten favorite bands… Maybe even number 9.

It means a lot to me to know that in this vast, anonymous world, even I can make a difference.

Dil cosby Suite
Breathtaking… It turn your balls into iron.

scaffnet1 go PLOP PLOP