
Jimmy Smits' facial expressions outside the window when Gemma assaults the sheriff was my favorite thing about this episode. I wish this could be The Jimmy Smits Power Hour.

This is the show that introduced me to Keith David and I am so glad it did. As a kid I never put much thought into Gargoyles - it was just another cartoon to watch - but some years ago, Toon Disney started airing repeats of it at 3AM. And being a night owl, I was usually up and without anything to do, so I started

Damnit, I've been beaten to Whiskey Dick & The Hard-Ons. :(

That would be so great. I'll settle for more Dayton Callie/Jimmy Smits scenes, though.

I liked this episode a lot but holy hell, "multi-geeking" and "nyms".

This season seems to have used a lot of Tegan & Sara songs so far. I approve wholeheartedly.

Totally agreed on your second point, Myles. My biggest beef with the episode was Lacey's whole "it's the responsibility of the girl to not get pregnant" speech, just totally letting Matty off the hook. I'm of the mind that it's the responsibility of both parties to be safe, the burden doesn't just fall on one person.

Love The Light/Vandal Savage playing aliens off of each other for their own benefit. Now The Reach is down 2/3 of their fleet, and the fleet's been revealed - surely the citizens of Earth will be turning on The Reach now, knowing that they lied about how they only had one peace-time vessel on Earth.

You have no idea how disappointed I was that there was no gatekeeper/keymaster line, or any Ghostbusters jokes this episode. :(