Leave The Bronx

You're emphasizing the wrong part of the quote.  The quote that matters is 'There was something else that was more important than whether Tony lives or dies'.  That's it.  Chase didn't have to say anything else.  Death is always around the corner from Tony Soprano - we get put in his head in those final shots (I think

Tony should've ordered an Orange Soda, that would've made everything so much clearer.

Tony should've ordered an Orange Soda, that would've made everything so much clearer.

Thankfully for those people, Master of Sopranos happened and now they have the death they wanted.

Thankfully for those people, Master of Sopranos happened and now they have the death they wanted.

And yet, at least Junior Soprano didn't have any kids to infect with his awfulness.  He no doubt dies alone and senile, but his legacy dies with him, which is ultimately a good thing - almost a saving grace.

And yet, at least Junior Soprano didn't have any kids to infect with his awfulness.  He no doubt dies alone and senile, but his legacy dies with him, which is ultimately a good thing - almost a saving grace.

Just a few weeks ago you were 100% convinced that the 'one argument' Chase referred to that got it right was Master of Sopranos until Sepinwall told you he had never heard of it.

Just a few weeks ago you were 100% convinced that the 'one argument' Chase referred to that got it right was Master of Sopranos until Sepinwall told you he had never heard of it.

Ah yes - we could come up with a name for the above poster's theory - something like Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

Ah yes - we could come up with a name for the above poster's theory - something like Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

Seriously man, give it up.  How you can possibly use that Chase interview to prove your theory is absolutely beyond me.  Give up.

Seriously man, give it up.  How you can possibly use that Chase interview to prove your theory is absolutely beyond me.  Give up.

This has pretty much been what I believed from the moment we faded to black.  Tony made his rotten choices, he never stopped making them, and while he gets moments at Holstein's where he can pretend he's not living death, his friends are gone, his organization in shambles, and his family just as corrupt as he is, even

This has pretty much been what I believed from the moment we faded to black.  Tony made his rotten choices, he never stopped making them, and while he gets moments at Holstein's where he can pretend he's not living death, his friends are gone, his organization in shambles, and his family just as corrupt as he is, even

Right, I understand that WTF isn't trying to be funny, but I think YMIW explores similar themes without having to resort to Maron trying to suss out any darkness in a guest's past.  And YMIW is nothing at all like Comedy Bang Bang.  Like the person below said, it's WTF-Lite.

Right, I understand that WTF isn't trying to be funny, but I think YMIW explores similar themes without having to resort to Maron trying to suss out any darkness in a guest's past.  And YMIW is nothing at all like Comedy Bang Bang.  Like the person below said, it's WTF-Lite.

Thankfully there've been a dearth of those lately.  If there's an old person involved it's usually a good episode.

Thankfully there've been a dearth of those lately.  If there's an old person involved it's usually a good episode.

That's incredibly reductive.  YMIW has riffing.  It has discussions about people's careers.  Yes, it will on occasion feature New Age-type thinking about how best to exist in the world, which I often find clumsy, and sometimes features too much Pete Holmes and not enough of The Guest, but it also tends to be way