
Is "Jitterbug montage" a thing? This is the second place I've seen the song referred to as "Jitterbug" and not "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go."

Also Gremlins 2 and Back to the Future Part III. I was living in L.A. at the time and my boyfriend and I went to a ton of movies. I saw Ghost at Mann's with a co-worker; we both loved it. I have to admit, I'm rather stunned that Marah's never seen it.

That's why the search function is for shit. Clearly it doesn't work for the writers either.

Psh, kids these days. When I was in high school if you wanted new clothes to prove how weird and edgy you were, you had to go to the post office and get a money order to buy from catalogues like Bogey's and Commander Salamander, and it took weeks to get your stuff.

Spencers still exists? That warms my cold, grey heart. Do they still have a heat-transfer T-shirt station?

Black is so, like, 15 years ago. Those Columbine assholes ruined it for everyone.

I think Aegon is unlikely because Rhaegar already had a son named Aegon by his wife Elia.

I'm in my 40s. I used to be like you not so long ago. Then I got an iPhone. It's just…it's all right there in your hand.

There was a Burger Chef within walking distance of our house when I was a kid. There was no McDonald's, Wendy's or Burger King close by, so BC was our go-to fast food option (which was fine with me - I preferred Burger Chef to the others). I still have their Star Wars promotional posters from the time of the

I liked the episode a lot more than he seemed to, but I still think he had a valid point about there being a certain mechanical inevitability to the whole thing.

You must be trolling. Most of the movies he's done over the last two decades were likely only greenlit because he was attached to them.

From the person who said "Oopsie, almost posted a spoiler! That's practically doing a little dance singing "I know something you don't know!" Take your own advice.

You're alluding to an episode beyond the one being discussed. You're comment may not contain anything that's actually spoilery but it's still irritating as shit.

I really wish someone who is trans would weigh in here, because him identifying deeply with his female side /= being born in the wrong body.

Excited by half, decidedly unexcited by the other half. I really don't need to see Phi Phi, Roxxxy or Coco again, especially not Coco and Alyssa together. Still, I'm super happy Alyssa will be there, along with Katya, Adore and Alaska.

I think the problem is the use of the word identify. To me identify in this context means trans, rather than just a person who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex.

I…don't think that's entirely correct? That seems to suggest that transvestite and transgender are interchangeable, which they're not. For instance, Eddie Izzard is a straight male who enjoys wearing women's clothing, but he does not identify as female - that is, he is not transgender.

Exactly. If they wanted to remake a movie with a flying dog, they should have done The Neverending Story.

So, basically, she's doing lesson plans, grading papers, working out, meeting up with friends, and unwinds with Fallon at the end of the night. Consider this: at any point in the conversation did she say anything along the lines of "Wow, so you watch a lot of TV, huh?"

I'm keeping an open mind since this is where Blackfish went MIA in the book, but considering how they mishandled so much else in this episode I don't have much hope.